diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1774d1ea3..0dd04052d 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -225,7 +225,8 @@ Run it: - In that case use `-DIRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR=/some/where/irrlicht/include`. - IrrlichtMt can also be installed somewhere that is not a standard install path. - In that case use `-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/install_prefix` - - The path must be set so that `$(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)/lib/cmake/IrrlichtMt` exists. + - The path must be set so that `$(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)/lib/cmake/IrrlichtMt` exists + or that `$(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)` is the path of an IrrlichtMt build folder. ### CMake options @@ -275,8 +276,7 @@ Library specific options: GETTEXT_LIBRARY - Only when building with gettext on Windows; path to libintl.dll.a GETTEXT_MSGFMT - Only when building with gettext; path to msgfmt/msgfmt.exe IRRLICHT_DLL - Only on Windows; path to IrrlichtMt.dll - IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains IrrCompileConfig.h - IRRLICHT_LIBRARY - Path to libIrrlichtMt.a/libIrrlichtMt.so/libIrrlichtMt.dll.a/IrrlichtMt.lib + IRRLICHT_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains IrrCompileConfig.h (usable for server build only) LEVELDB_INCLUDE_DIR - Only when building with LevelDB; directory that contains db.h LEVELDB_LIBRARY - Only when building with LevelDB; path to libleveldb.a/libleveldb.so/libleveldb.dll.a LEVELDB_DLL - Only when building with LevelDB on Windows; path to libleveldb.dll @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ After you successfully built vcpkg you can easily install the required libraries vcpkg install zlib curl[winssl] openal-soft libvorbis libogg sqlite3 freetype luajit gmp jsoncpp --triplet x64-windows ``` -- **Note that you currently need to build irrlicht on your own** +- **Don't forget about IrrlichtMt.** The easiest way is to clone it to `lib/irrlichtmt` as described in the Linux section. - `curl` is optional, but required to read the serverlist, `curl[winssl]` is required to use the content store. - `openal-soft`, `libvorbis` and `libogg` are optional, but required to use sound. - `freetype` is optional, it allows true-type font rendering.