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This is a simple api which aims to simplify the work for modders who want to
add throwitems (items you can throw) to minetest.
It also contains some examples with some standard throwitems.
To define a throwitem you can use this model:
nssbombs:register_throwitem("name_of_your_mod:name_of_the_item", "Description of the item", { --the "nssbombs" mod has to be a dependency of your mod
--Features of the object:
textures = "your_texture.png", --the texture is used both for the image inventory and for the flying entity
velocity = num, --optional: velocity of the obejct when you throw it
visual_size = {x=xsize, y= ysize}, --optional: size of the object when flying
--Recipe for crafting it:
recipe_number = num, --optional: number of the items as output of the recipe
--to define the recipe you need to use one of the following (not both):
recipe_block = "mod:block", --you have to choose a block used for the recipe, if you use this instruction the recipe will be the standard one, see below
recipe = {}, --array with standard recipe definition. You can also use a shapeless recipe, but you need to include also the following:
--recipe_type = "shapeless", --uncomment if your recipe is a shapeless one (and only if you have defined the recipe with the array)
-- Function to be executed when it hits the ground. You have two possibilities:
-- you can specify your custom function with:
hit_node = function (self, pos)
--your code here
-- Or you can use one of the default explosion types by including this array:
explosion = { //see below for the options
shape = "something",
radius = num,
block = "something",
particles = boolean,
sound = "something",
The default recipe (used if you specify only the recipe_block) is:
recipe = {
{def.recipe_block, def.recipe_block, def.recipe_block},
{"tnt:gunpowder", "default:mese_crystal_fragment", "tnt:gunpowder"},
{def.recipe_block, def.recipe_block, def.recipe_block},
If you want to use one of the default explosion types you have to include the explosion array with this keys inside:
- radius, number that define the size of the explosion;
- block, it can be:
- name of a block, for example "default:ice";
- name of a schematic file, if you use the shape "schematic";
- name of an entity, for example "nssm:duck", if you use the shape "add_entity";
- shape, you can choose between:
-"cube" --spawns a cube of the block specified of the specified size
-"pool" --spawns a "pool" of the specified block and size, see the lava_bomb as example
-"sphere" --spawns a cube of the block specified of the specified size
-"sphere_cover" --covers the ground inside an imaginary sphere with block
-"column" --see water column bomb as example
-"circle" --see Fire circle bomb
-"wall" --spawns a big (it depends on the radius specifies) wall where the bomb lands
-"schematic" --to easily add a schematic (see the Schematic bomb for an example), if you specify with the radius parameter the size of the base of the schematic it's going to be centered.
-"add_entity" --to spawn mobs for example
-"tnt_explosion"--if you simply want an explosion in the landing position
- particles, boolean (true/false) to define if you want the particles
- sound, boolean or the name of an audio file
Take a look at the file "examples.lua" for the examples and if you want more
of them you can find them in nssm: