-- Function to execute more files. local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("ancient_world") local function domodfile(f) dofile(modpath .. '/' .. f) end -- Mod namespace. ancient_world = { config = {}, log = function() end, } if rawget(_G, kingdoms) then ancient_world.config = kingdoms.config_table("ancient_world") ancient_world.log = kingdoms.log_function("ancient_world") end function ancient_world.probability_list(t) local ret = {} for k,v in pairs(t) do for i=1,v do table.insert(ret, k) end end return ret end ancient_world.registered_items = {} function ancient_world.register_item(name, probability) ancient_world.registered_items[name] = math.ceil((probability or 3) * 100) end local defaultitems = { ["default:mese"] = 1, ["default:diamondblock"] = 1, ["default:goldblock"] = 2, ["default:copperblock"] = 2, ["default:bronzeblock"] = 3, ["default:steelblock"] = 3, ["default:obsidian"] = 3, ["default:coalblock"] = 3, } for k,v in pairs(defaultitems) do ancient_world.register_item(k, v) end ancient_world.registry = {} function ancient_world.register(name, def) local d = { offset = {x=0, y=0, z=0}, limit_y = {max = 31000, min = -31000}, } for k,v in pairs(def) do d[k] = v end ancient_world.registry[name] = d end domodfile("defaults.lua") domodfile("dungeon.lua") domodfile("structures.lua") if rawget(_G, kingdoms) then ancient_world.log("action", "Loaded.") kingdoms.mod_ready("ancient_world") end minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed) local items = ancient_world.probability_list(ancient_world.registered_items) for name,def in pairs(ancient_world.registry) do if math.random(1, 10000) <= (def.chance * 100) then local possible = {} if def.type == "decoration" then possible = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air( {x=minp.x, y=math.max(minp.y, def.limit_y.min), z=minp.z}, {x=maxp.x, y=math.min(maxp.y, def.limit_y.max), z=maxp.z}, def.on) end if #possible > 0 then local r = table.copy(def.replacements or {}) if def.random_replacements then for k,v in pairs(def.random_replacements) do if v == true then r[k] = items[math.random(1, #items)] else r[k] = v[math.random(1, #v)] end end end local pos = vector.add(possible[math.random(1, #possible)], def.offset) minetest.place_schematic(pos, def.schematic, "random") -- Very Hacky Solution due to minetest.place_schematic carrying the replacements parameter between calls. -- This parses the schematic file manually, then replaces appropriate nodes between all possible positions. local schematic_size = {} local sf = io.open(def.schematic, "rb") sf:read(6) schematic_size.x = string.byte(sf:read(1)) * 0xFF + string.byte(sf:read(1)) schematic_size.y = string.byte(sf:read(1)) * 0xFF + string.byte(sf:read(1)) schematic_size.z = string.byte(sf:read(1)) * 0xFF + string.byte(sf:read(1)) sf:close() for k,v in pairs(r) do local positions = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.subtract(pos, schematic_size), vector.add(maxp, schematic_size), {k}) if positions then for _,p in ipairs(positions) do minetest.set_node(p, {name=v}) end end end -- End Very Hacky Solution end end end end) for n=1,10 do minetest.register_node("ancient_world:placeholder_"..tostring(n), { description = "Placeholder "..tostring(n), tiles = {"default_cloud.png"}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), groups = {cracky = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = 1}, }) end