-- Alias for readability local c = bgml.internal.config -- Logging -- Output all configuration options registered through BGML. --- bgml.log_config must be the first default, so that other config defaults can output when set. c.log_config = false -- Log mod_ready hooks. Defaults to the somewhat common log_mods setting. c.log_mods = engine.settings:get_bool("log_mods") or false -- Databases -- Path in which to save database serializations. c.db_path = engine.get_worldpath() .. DIR_DELIM .. "bgml" .. DIR_DELIM .. "db" -- Default database save internal. c.save_interval = 10 -- How many database files can be written per globalstep? c.db_save_per_step = 2 -- Should databases not registered this run be removed? c.db_cleaner = true