
1021 lines
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open Error
(* The source calculus. *)
module S = RawLambda
(* The target calculus. *)
module T = Lambda
(* Alias some modules defined in [Lambda] for quicker access. *)
module TyC = T.TyC
module TyS = T.TyS
module TyE = T.TyE
module TyCSet = T.TyCSet
module TySSet = T.TySSet
module TyESet = T.TyESet
module TySPSet = T.TySPSet
let disable_type_checking = ref false
let builtin_int_id = Atom.fresh "int"
let builtin_io_id = Atom.fresh "io"
type scheme = {
(* First place where the variable was used, for error reporting. *)
hypotheses : (TyS.t * place) Atom.Map.t ;
typ : TyS.t ;
eff : TyE.t ;
type binding =
| BScheme of scheme
| BInfer
type inst = (TyS.t Atom.Map.t * TyE.t Atom.Map.t) -> TyS.t
type typedef =
| TBaseType of Atom.atom
| TTypeSynonym of inst * inst (* positive, negative *)
type tavar =
| ANone
| APos of Atom.atom
| ANeg of Atom.atom
| APosNeg of Atom.atom * Atom.atom
module Smap = Map.Make(String)
type env = {
bindings : (binding * Atom.atom) Smap.t ;
type_bindings : Atom.atom Smap.t ;
type_variables : (Atom.atom * Atom.atom) Smap.t ;
type_variance : (tavar * bool) list Atom.Map.t ;
type_defs : typedef Atom.Map.t ;
constructor_bindings : Atom.atom Smap.t ;
constructor_defs :
(Atom.atom * (inst * inst) list * int * bool) Atom.Map.t ;
effect_bindings : Atom.atom Smap.t;
effect_defs : ((inst * inst) option * (inst * inst) * int) Atom.Map.t ;
free_effect_tag : int ;
let base_env = {
bindings = Smap.empty ;
type_bindings = Smap.singleton "int" builtin_int_id ;
type_variables = Smap.empty ;
type_variance = Atom.Map.singleton builtin_int_id [] ;
type_defs = Atom.Map.singleton builtin_int_id (TBaseType builtin_int_id) ;
constructor_bindings = Smap.empty ;
constructor_defs = Atom.Map.empty ;
effect_bindings = Smap.singleton "io" builtin_io_id ;
effect_defs = Atom.Map.empty ;
free_effect_tag = 0 ;
let rec do_instanciate env polarity t vs vas =
assert (List.length vas = List.length vs);
let add_to_map create build am v va =
match va with
| ANone -> assert (v = TyC.VNone); am
| APos xp ->
let qp = match v with
| TyC.VNone -> create polarity
| TyC.VPos qps -> build polarity qps
| _ -> assert false
Atom.Map.add xp qp am
| ANeg xn ->
let qn = match v with
| TyC.VNone -> create (not polarity)
| TyC.VNeg qns -> build (not polarity) qns
| _ -> assert false
Atom.Map.add xn qn am
| APosNeg (xp, xn) ->
assert (not (Atom.equal xp xn));
let qp, qn = match v with
| TyC.VNone -> create polarity, create (not polarity)
| TyC.VPos qps -> build polarity qps, create (not polarity)
| TyC.VNeg qns -> create polarity, build (not polarity) qns
| TyC.VPosNeg (qps, qns) ->
build polarity qps, build (not polarity) qns
Atom.Map.add xn qn (Atom.Map.add xp qp am)
let ve, vt = List.partition (fun (v, (_, b)) ->
match v with
| TyC.AEff _ -> assert b; b
| TyC.AType _ -> assert (not b); b
) (List.combine vs vas) in
let vts, vtas = List.split
( (fun (v, (va, _)) ->
match v with TyC.AType v -> (v, va) | _ -> assert false) vt) in
let ves, veas = List.split
( (fun (v, (va, _)) ->
match v with TyC.AEff v -> (v, va) | _ -> assert false) ve) in
let amt = List.fold_left2 (add_to_map TyS.create (merge_all env)) Atom.Map.empty vts vtas in
let ame = List.fold_left2 (add_to_map TyE.create (fun _ x -> x)) Atom.Map.empty ves veas in
t (amt, ame)
and resolve env polarity t =
match t with
| TyC.Tident (vs, n) ->
(match Atom.Map.find n env.type_defs with
| TTypeSynonym (typ, tyn) ->
let vas = Atom.Map.find n env.type_variance in
let q = do_instanciate env polarity
(if polarity then typ else tyn) vs vas in
resolve_all env polarity q.TyS.constructors
| TBaseType _ -> TyCSet.singleton polarity t)
| t -> TyCSet.singleton polarity t
and resolve_all env polarity ts =
TyCSet.map_flatten (resolve env) polarity ts
and maybe_resolve env polarity1 polarity2 tc1 tc2 =
if TyCSet.need_resolve polarity1 polarity2 tc1 tc2 then
resolve_all env polarity1 tc1, resolve_all env polarity2 tc2
tc1, tc2
and cmerge env polarity tc1 tc2 =
let tc1, tc2 = maybe_resolve env polarity polarity tc1 tc2 in
TyCSet.merge polarity tc1 tc2
and scheme_merge env q1 q2 =
let open TyS in
assert (q1.polarity = q2.polarity);
let qs = TySSet.diff q2.flow q1.flow in
TySSet.iter (add_flow_edge q1) qs;
q1.constructors <- cmerge env q1.polarity q1.constructors q2.constructors
and merge_all env polarity qs =
let q = TyS.create polarity in
TySSet.iter (scheme_merge env q) qs;
module PTySSetMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = bool * TySSet.t
let compare (p1, qs1) (p2, qs2) =
let u = compare p1 p2 in
if u = 0 then qs1 qs2
let rec simpl_tyss env st polarity qs =
try PTySSetMap.find (polarity, qs) !st
with Not_found ->
let q = merge_all env polarity qs in
let r = TyS.create polarity in
st := PTySSetMap.add (polarity, qs) r !st;
simpl_tys_in env st polarity q r;
and simpl_tys env st polarity q =
let q2 = TyS.create polarity in
simpl_tys_in env st polarity q q2;
and simpl_tys_in env st polarity q q2 =
TySSet.iter (TyS.add_flow_edge q2) q.TyS.flow;
q2.TyS.constructors <- (simpl_tyc env st polarity) q.TyS.constructors
and simpl_tyc env st polarity c =
let open TyC in
match c with
| Tarrow (qs1, e, qs2) ->
Tarrow (TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st (not polarity) qs1),
TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st polarity qs2))
| Tproduct qsl ->
Tproduct ( (fun qs ->
TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st polarity qs)) qsl)
| Tident (vs, n) -> Tident ( (simpl_arg env st polarity) vs, n)
and simpl_var env st polarity v =
let open TyC in
match v with
| VNone -> VNone
| VPos qs -> VPos (TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st polarity qs))
| VNeg qs -> VNeg (TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st (not polarity) qs))
| VPosNeg (qps, qns) ->
VPosNeg (TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st polarity qps),
TySSet.singleton (simpl_tyss env st (not polarity) qns))
and simpl_arg env st polarity a =
let open TyC in
match a with
| AEff v -> AEff v
| AType v -> AType (simpl_var env st polarity v)
let print_scheme env ff { hypotheses ; typ ; eff } =
let st = ref PTySSetMap.empty in
let typ = simpl_tys env st true typ in
let hypotheses =
(fun (q, _) -> simpl_tys env st false q) hypotheses in
let l = typ :: ( snd (Atom.Map.bindings hypotheses)) in
let st = T.prepare_printing l [eff] in
if not (Atom.Map.is_empty hypotheses) then begin
Format.fprintf ff "[@[<hov 2>";
List.iteri (fun i (a, ty) ->
if i > 0 then Format.fprintf ff ",@ ";
Format.fprintf ff "%s : %a" (Atom.hint a) (T.print_tys st 0) ty
) (Atom.Map.bindings hypotheses);
Format.fprintf ff "@]] "
Format.fprintf ff "%a" (T.print_tys st 0) typ;
Format.fprintf ff " !{%a}" (T.print_eff st 0 true) eff
let unify_hyp env hp1 hp2 =
Atom.Map.merge (fun _ ty1 ty2 ->
match ty1, ty2 with
| None, None -> None
| None, Some ty | Some ty, None -> Some ty
| Some (ty1, place1), Some (ty2, _) ->
let open TyS in
let w = create false in
TySSet.iter (add_flow_edge w) (TySSet.union ty1.flow ty2.flow);
w.constructors <- cmerge env false ty1.constructors ty2.constructors;
Some (w, place1)
) hp1 hp2
exception BiUnificationFailure of TyC.t * TyC.t
exception EffBiUnificationFailure of TyE.t * TyE.t
let biunification_error t1 t2 =
raise (BiUnificationFailure (t1, t2))
let eff_biunification_error e1 e2 =
raise (EffBiUnificationFailure (e1, e2))
let biunify_vs bu env t vp vm =
let open TyC in
match vp, vm with
| VNone, _ | _, VNone | VPos _, VNeg _ | VNeg _, VPos _ -> ()
| VPos qp, VPos qm | VPos qp, VPosNeg (qm, _) | VPosNeg (qp, _), VPos qm ->
bu env t qp qm
| VNeg qp, VNeg qm | VNeg qp, VPosNeg (_, qm) | VPosNeg (_, qp), VNeg qm ->
bu env t qm qp
| VPosNeg (qp1, qp2), VPosNeg (qm1, qm2) ->
bu env t qp1 qm1;
bu env t qm2 qp2
let rec biunify_tys env t qp qm =
if not (TySPSet.mem (qp, qm) !t) then begin
t := TySPSet.add (qp, qm) !t;
assert (qp.TyS.polarity && not qm.TyS.polarity);
TySSet.iter (fun q -> scheme_merge env q qp) qm.TyS.flow;
TySSet.iter (fun q -> scheme_merge env q qm) qp.TyS.flow;
let qmc, qpc = maybe_resolve env false true
qm.TyS.constructors qp.TyS.constructors in
List.iter (fun tp ->
List.iter (fun tm ->
biunify_tyc env t tp tm
) qmc;
) qpc;
and biunify_tyss env t qps qms =
TySSet.iter (fun qp ->
TySSet.iter (fun qm ->
biunify_tys env t qp qm
) qms
) qps
and merge_eff _ name e1 e2 =
let open TyE in
assert (e1.polarity = e2.polarity);
(match name with
| None -> () | Some name -> extend name e1; extend name e2);
let get e =
match name with
| None -> snd e.flows
| Some name -> Atom.Map.find name (fst e.flows)
let es1, b1 = get e1 in
let es2, b2 = get e2 in
let es = TyESet.diff es2 es1 in
TyESet.iter (add_flow_edge name e1) es;
match name with
| None ->
if e1.polarity then
assert (not b1 && not b2)
e1.flows <- (fst e1.flows, (fst (snd e1.flows), b1 || b2))
| Some name -> e1.flows <- (Atom.Map.add name (fst (get e1), b1 || b2) (fst e1.flows), snd e1.flows)
and biunify_eff_excl ex env _ ep em =
TyE.common_domain ep em;
assert (ep.TyE.polarity && not em.TyE.polarity);
let (epf, epd) = ep.TyE.flows in
let (emf, emd) = em.TyE.flows in
Atom.Map.iter (fun name (es, _) -> if not (Atom.Set.mem name ex) then TyESet.iter (fun e -> merge_eff env (Some name) e ep) es) emf;
Atom.Map.iter (fun name (es, _) -> if not (Atom.Set.mem name ex) then TyESet.iter (fun e -> merge_eff env (Some name) e em) es) epf;
TyESet.iter (fun e -> merge_eff env None e ep) (fst emd);
TyESet.iter (fun e -> merge_eff env None e em) (fst epd);
assert (not (snd epd));
Atom.Map.iter (fun name (_, bp) ->
let (_, bm) = Atom.Map.find name emf in
if bm && bp then
eff_biunification_error ep em
) epf
and biunify_eff env = biunify_eff_excl Atom.Set.empty env
and biunify_tyc env t tp tm =
let open TyC in
match tp, tm with
| Tident (vs1, n1), Tident (vs2, n2) ->
if not (Atom.equal n1 n2) then
biunification_error tp tm;
assert (List.length vs1 = List.length vs2);
List.iter2 (biunify_args env t) vs1 vs2
| Tarrow (tpa, effp, tpb), Tarrow (tma, effm, tmb) ->
biunify_tyss env t tma tpa;
biunify_tyss env t tpb tmb;
biunify_eff env t effp effm
| Tproduct l1, Tproduct l2 ->
if List.length l1 = List.length l2 then
List.iter2 (biunify_tyss env t) l1 l2
biunification_error tp tm
| _, _ -> biunification_error tp tm
and biunify_args env t ap am =
let open TyC in
match ap, am with
| AType vp, AType vm -> biunify_vs biunify_tyss env t vp vm
| AEff vp, AEff vm -> biunify_vs biunify_eff env t vp vm
| _ -> assert false
let biunify_eff_excl excl env = biunify_eff_excl excl env (ref TySPSet.empty)
let biunify env = biunify_tys env (ref TySPSet.empty)
let not_subtype_msg : _ format6 =
"The type %a is not a subtype of the type %a@."
let not_subeffect_msg : _ format6 =
"The effect %a is not a compatible with the effect %a@."
let check_biunify_msg msg place env t1 t2 =
if not !disable_type_checking then
try biunify env t1 t2 with
| BiUnificationFailure (ty1, ty2) ->
let st = T.prepare_printing
([t1; t2] @
TySSet.(elements (union (T.tyc_succ ty1) (T.tyc_succ ty2)))) []
error place (msg ^^ "@.%t")
(T.print_tys st 0) t1 (T.print_tys st 0) t2
(fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff not_subtype_msg (T.print_tyc st 0 true) ty1 (T.print_tyc st 0 false) ty2)
| EffBiUnificationFailure (e1, e2) ->
let st = T.prepare_printing [t1; t2] [e1; e2] in
error place (msg ^^ "@.%t")
(T.print_tys st 0) t1 (T.print_tys st 0) t2
(fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff not_subeffect_msg (T.print_eff st 0 true) e1 (T.print_eff st 0 false) e2)
let check_biunify =
check_biunify_msg "This expression has type %a but was expected of type %a@."
let check_biunify_eff_excl_msg msg excl place env t1 t2 =
if not !disable_type_checking then
try biunify_eff_excl excl env t1 t2 with
| EffBiUnificationFailure (e1, e2) ->
let st = T.prepare_printing [] [t1; t2; e1; e2] in
error place (msg ^^ "@.%t")
(T.print_eff st 0 true) t1 (T.print_eff st 0 false) t2
(fun ff -> Format.fprintf ff not_subeffect_msg (T.print_eff st 0 true) e1 (T.print_eff st 0 false) e2)
let check_biunify_eff_excl =
check_biunify_eff_excl_msg "This expression has effect %a but was expected to have effect %a"
let check_biunify_eff = check_biunify_eff_excl Atom.Set.empty
let add_bound id a env =
{ env with bindings = Smap.add id (BInfer, a) env.bindings }
let add id env =
let a = Atom.fresh id in
add_bound id a env, a
let empty_eff polarity =
let w = TyE.create polarity in
w.TyE.flows <- (Atom.Map.empty, (TyESet.empty, not polarity));
let add_gen id scheme env =
let a = Atom.fresh id in
let scheme = { scheme with eff = empty_eff true } in
let nenv = { env with bindings = Smap.add id (BScheme scheme, a) env.bindings } in
(nenv, a)
let copy_scheme { hypotheses ; typ ; eff } =
let l = typ :: ( (fun (_, (st, _)) -> st)
(Atom.Map.bindings hypotheses)) in
let st = T.prepare_copy l [eff] in
hypotheses =
(fun (ty, place) -> (T.copy st ty, place)) hypotheses ;
typ = T.copy st typ ;
eff = T.eff_copy st eff ;
let find place id env =
let (sc, a) = Smap.find id env.bindings in
match sc with
| BScheme sc -> copy_scheme sc, a
| BInfer ->
let typ, tyn = TyS.create_flow_pair () in
let sc = {
hypotheses = Atom.Map.singleton a (tyn, place) ;
typ = typ ;
eff = empty_eff true ;
} in
sc, a
let unify_hyp_many env l =
List.fold_left (unify_hyp env) Atom.Map.empty l
let create_var_pair mk build = function
| ANone -> TyC.VNone, TyC.VNone
| APos _ ->
let qp, qn = mk () in
TyC.VPos (build qp), TyC.VPos (build qn)
| ANeg _ ->
let qp, qn = mk () in
TyC.VNeg (build qn), TyC.VNeg (build qp)
| APosNeg _ ->
let qp1, qn1 = mk () in
let qp2, qn2 = mk () in
TyC.VPosNeg (build qp1, build qn2),
TyC.VPosNeg (build qn1, build qp2)
let create_arg_pair (v, is_effect) =
if is_effect then
let a, b = create_var_pair TyE.create_flow_pair (fun x -> x) v in
TyC.AEff a, TyC.AEff b
let a, b = create_var_pair TyS.create_flow_pair TySSet.singleton v in
TyC.AType a, TyC.AType b
let create_var_pairs l =
List.split ( create_arg_pair l)
let rec is_irrefutable { S.value ; _ } =
match value with
| S.PVar _ -> true
| S.PTuple l -> List.for_all is_irrefutable l
| S.POr (p1, p2) -> is_irrefutable p1 || is_irrefutable p2
| S.PConstructor _ -> false
let rec cook_term env { ; S.value } =
match value with
| S.Var x -> begin
match find place x env with
| sc, a -> sc, T.Var a
| exception Not_found -> error place "Unbound variable: %s" x
| S.Lam (x, t) ->
let nenv, x = add x env in
let sc, t = cook_term nenv t in
let nh, src =
let ty, _ = Atom.Map.find x sc.hypotheses in
Atom.Map.remove x sc.hypotheses, Some ty
with Not_found ->
sc.hypotheses, None
let w = T.arrow_option true src sc.eff sc.typ in
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = w ;
eff = empty_eff true ;
} in
nsc, T.Lam (T.NoSelf, x, t)
| S.App (t1, t2) ->
let sc1, nt1 = cook_term env t1 in
let sc2, nt2 = cook_term env t2 in
let (wp, wn) = TyS.create_flow_pair () in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
let w = T.arrow false sc2.typ en wn in
let nh = unify_hyp env sc1.hypotheses sc2.hypotheses in
check_biunify env sc1.typ w;
check_biunify_eff env sc1.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env sc2.eff en;
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = wp ;
eff = ep ;
} in
nsc, T.App (nt1, nt2)
| S.Lit i ->
let w = T.ident true builtin_int_id [] in
let sc = {
hypotheses = Atom.Map.empty ;
typ = w ;
eff = empty_eff true ;
} in
sc, T.Lit i
| S.BinOp (t1, op, t2) ->
let sc1, nt1 = cook_term env t1 in
let sc2, nt2 = cook_term env t2 in
let nh = unify_hyp env sc1.hypotheses sc2.hypotheses in
let w1 = T.ident true builtin_int_id [] in
let w2 = T.ident false builtin_int_id [] in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
check_biunify env sc1.typ w2;
check_biunify env sc2.typ w2;
check_biunify_eff env sc1.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env sc2.eff en;
let sc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = w1 ;
eff = ep ;
} in
sc, T.BinOp (nt1, op, nt2)
| S.Print t ->
let sc, nt = cook_term env t in
let w1 = T.ident true builtin_int_id [] in
let w2 = T.ident false builtin_int_id [] in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
let e = TyE.create true in
e.TyE.flows <- (Atom.Map.singleton builtin_io_id (TyESet.empty, true), (TyESet.empty, false));
check_biunify env sc.typ w2;
check_biunify_eff env sc.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env e en;
{ sc with eff = ep ; typ = w1 }, T.Print nt
| S.Let (recursive, x, t1, t2) ->
let nenv, x, sc1, nt1 = cook_let env recursive x t1 in
let sc2, nt2 = cook_term nenv t2 in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
check_biunify_eff env sc1.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env sc2.eff en;
let nh = unify_hyp env sc1.hypotheses sc2.hypotheses in
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = sc2.typ ;
eff = ep ;
} in
nsc, T.Let (x, nt1, nt2)
| S.IfZero (t1, t2, t3) ->
let sc1, nt1 = cook_term env t1 in
let sc2, nt2 = cook_term env t2 in
let sc3, nt3 = cook_term env t3 in
let nh = unify_hyp env sc1.hypotheses
(unify_hyp env sc2.hypotheses sc3.hypotheses) in
let (wp, wn) = TyS.create_flow_pair () in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
let w = T.ident false builtin_int_id [] in
check_biunify env sc1.typ w;
check_biunify env sc2.typ wn;
check_biunify env sc3.typ wn;
check_biunify_eff env sc1.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env sc2.eff en;
check_biunify_eff env sc3.eff en;
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = wp ;
eff = ep ;
} in
nsc, T.IfZero (nt1, nt2, nt3)
| S.Tuple l ->
let l = (cook_term env) l in
let nh = unify_hyp_many env ( (fun (sc, _) -> sc.hypotheses) l) in
let w = T.product true ( (fun (sc, _) -> sc.typ) l) in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
List.iter (fun (sc, _) -> check_biunify_eff place env sc.eff en) l;
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = w ;
eff = ep ;
} in
nsc, (T.Tuple ( snd l))
| S.Constructor (x, t) ->
let catom =
try Smap.find x env.constructor_bindings
with Not_found -> error place "Unbound constructor: %s" x
let tname, cargs, ctag, is_effect = Atom.Map.find catom env.constructor_defs in
let targs =
if is_effect then
Atom.Map.find tname env.type_variance
let tap, tan = create_var_pairs targs in
let n = List.length cargs in
let args =
match n, t with
| 0, None -> []
| 1, Some t -> [t]
| 2, Some { S.value = (S.Tuple l) ; _ } -> l
| _ ->
let m = match t with
| None -> 0
| Some { S.value = (S.Tuple l) ; _} -> List.length l
| Some _ -> 1
error place "The constructor %s expects %d argument(s), but is applied here to %d argument(s)" x n m
let args = (fun t ->, cook_term env t) args in
let (ep, en) = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
let nh = unify_hyp_many env
( (fun (_, (sc, _)) -> sc.hypotheses) args) in
List.iter2 (fun (place, (sc, _)) (_, enty) ->
check_biunify place env sc.typ (do_instanciate env false enty tan targs);
check_biunify_eff place env sc.eff en;
) args cargs;
let nt =
if is_effect then begin
let (_, (npt, _), _) = Atom.Map.find tname env.effect_defs in
let e = TyE.create true in
e.TyE.flows <- (Atom.Map.singleton tname (TyESet.empty, true), (TyESet.empty, false));
check_biunify_eff place env e en;
do_instanciate env true npt tap targs
end else
T.ident true tname tap
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = nt ;
eff = ep ;
} in
nsc, T.Constructor ((catom, ctag, is_effect), (fun (_, (_, t)) -> t) args)
| S.Match (t, l) ->
let sc, nt = cook_term env t in
let rtyp, rtyn = TyS.create_flow_pair () in
let ep, en = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
let erp, ern = TyE.create_flow_pair () in
check_biunify_eff env sc.eff en;
let matched_effects = ref Atom.Set.empty in
let nl = (fun (p, t1) ->
let np, dv, ef = cook_pattern_or_effect env sc.typ rtyp erp p in
matched_effects := Atom.Set.union !matched_effects ef;
let nenv = Smap.fold (fun x (a, _) env -> add_bound x a env) dv env in
let sc1, nt1 = cook_term nenv t1 in
check_biunify env sc1.typ rtyn;
check_biunify_eff env sc1.eff ern;
let nh = Smap.fold (fun _ (a, t) h ->
let ty, place = Atom.Map.find a h in
check_biunify place env t ty;
Atom.Map.remove a h
with Not_found -> h
) dv sc1.hypotheses in
(nh, (np, nt1))
) l in
Atom.Set.iter (fun name -> TyE.extend name ep) !matched_effects;
Atom.Set.iter (fun name -> TyE.extend name ern) !matched_effects;
check_biunify_eff_excl !matched_effects place env ep ern;
let nsc = {
hypotheses = List.fold_left
(fun h1 (h2, _) -> unify_hyp env h1 h2) sc.hypotheses nl ;
typ = rtyp ;
eff = erp ;
} in
nsc, T.Match (nt, snd nl)
and cook_pattern_or_effect env ty rty ep = function
| S.Pattern p ->
let p, dv = cook_pattern env Smap.empty ty p in
T.Pattern p, dv, Atom.Set.empty
| S.Effect ({ S.value = c ; }, p, k) ->
let catom =
try Smap.find c env.constructor_bindings
with Not_found -> error place "Unbound constructor: %s" c
let ename, _, ctag, is_effect = Atom.Map.find catom env.constructor_defs in
let ty1, (_, ty2n), _ = Atom.Map.find ename env.effect_defs in
if not is_effect then
error place "This constructor is a value constructor, not an effect constructor";
let np, dv =
match p, ty1 with
| None, None -> T.PConstructor ((catom, ctag, true), []), Smap.empty
| Some p, Some (ty1p, _) ->
let np, dv = cook_pattern env Smap.empty (do_instanciate env true ty1p [] []) p in
if Smap.mem k dv then
error "The variable %s is already bound in this matching" k;
T.PConstructor ((catom, ctag, true), [np]), dv
| None, Some _ ->
error place "The effect constructor %s expects 1 argument, but is applied here to 0 arguments" c
| Some _, None ->
error place "The effect constructor %s expects 0 arguments, but is applied here to 1 argument" c
let kty = T.arrow true (do_instanciate env false ty2n [] []) ep rty in
(* Conservative exhaustivity checking: assume the effect is matched only if the pattern is irrefutable *)
let matched_effects =
if match p with None -> true | Some p -> is_irrefutable p then
Atom.Set.singleton ename
let kv = Atom.fresh k in
T.Effect (np, kv), (Smap.add k (kv, kty) dv), matched_effects
and cook_pattern env mapped_vars ty { S.value ; } =
match value with
| S.PVar x ->
let a = try Smap.find x mapped_vars with Not_found -> Atom.fresh x in
T.PVar a, Smap.singleton x (a, ty)
| S.POr (p1, p2) ->
let np1, dv1 = cook_pattern env mapped_vars ty p1 in
let mv = Smap.fold (fun x (a, _) mv -> Smap.add x a mv) dv1 mapped_vars in
let np2, dv2 = cook_pattern env mv ty p2 in
let np = T.POr (np1, np2) in
let dv = Smap.merge (fun x def1 def2 ->
match def1, def2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some (a1, ty1), Some (a2, ty2) ->
assert (Atom.equal a1 a2);
let wp, wn = TyS.create_flow_pair () in
check_biunify place env ty1 wn;
check_biunify place env ty2 wn;
Some (a1, wp)
| _ -> error place "Variable %s must appear on both sides of this | pattern" x
) dv1 dv2 in
np, dv
| S.PTuple l ->
let ws = (fun _ -> TyS.create_flow_pair ()) l in
check_biunify_msg "A pattern was expected which matches values of type %a but this pattern matches values of type %a" place env ty (T.product false ( snd ws));
let nl = List.map2 (cook_pattern env mapped_vars) ( fst ws) l in
let np = T.PTuple ( fst nl) in
let dv = List.fold_left (fun dv (_, dvi) ->
Smap.merge (fun x def1 def2 ->
match def1, def2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some (a, ty), None | None, Some (a, ty) -> Some (a, ty)
| Some _, Some _ ->
error place "The variable %s is bound several times in this matching" x
) dv dvi
) Smap.empty nl in
np, dv
| S.PConstructor (x, p) ->
let catom =
try Smap.find x env.constructor_bindings
with Not_found -> error place "Unbound constructor: %s" x
let tname, cargs, ctag, is_effect = Atom.Map.find catom env.constructor_defs in
if is_effect then
error place "This constructor is an effect constructor, not a value constructor";
let targs = Atom.Map.find tname env.type_variance in
let tap, tan = create_var_pairs targs in
check_biunify_msg "A pattern was expected which matches values of type %a but this pattern matches values of type %a" place env ty (T.ident false tname tan);
let n = List.length cargs in
let args =
match n, p with
| 0, None -> []
| 1, Some p -> [p]
| 2, Some { S.value = (S.PTuple l) ; _ } -> l
| _ ->
let m = match p with
| None -> 0
| Some { S.value = (S.PTuple l) ; _} -> List.length l
| Some _ -> 1
error place "The constructor %s expects %d argument(s), but is applied here to %d argument(s)" x n m
let nl = List.map2 (cook_pattern env mapped_vars)
( (fun (ap, _) -> do_instanciate env true ap tap targs) cargs)
let np = T.PConstructor ((catom, ctag, false), fst nl) in
let dv = List.fold_left (fun dv (_, dvi) ->
Smap.merge (fun x def1 def2 ->
match def1, def2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some (a, ty), None | None, Some (a, ty) -> Some (a, ty)
| Some _, Some _ ->
error place "The variable %s is bound several times in this matching" x
) dv dvi
) Smap.empty nl in
np, dv
and cook_let env recursive x t =
match recursive, t with
| S.NonRecursive, t ->
let sc, t = cook_term env t in
let nenv, nx = add_gen x sc env in
(nenv, nx, copy_scheme sc, t)
| S.Recursive, { S.value = S.Lam (y, t) ; _ } ->
let sc, nx, ny, nt =
let nenv, nx = add x env in
let nenv, ny = add y nenv in
let sc, nt = cook_term nenv t in
let nh, src =
let ty, _ = Atom.Map.find ny sc.hypotheses in
Atom.Map.remove ny sc.hypotheses, Some ty
with Not_found ->
sc.hypotheses, None
let w = T.arrow_option true src sc.eff sc.typ in
let nh =
let ty, _ = Atom.Map.find nx nh in
check_biunify nenv w ty;
Atom.Map.remove nx nh
with Not_found -> nh
let nsc = {
hypotheses = nh ;
typ = w ;
eff = empty_eff true ;
} in
nsc, nx, ny, nt
let nenv, nx2 = add_gen x sc env in
(nenv, nx2, sc, T.Lam (T.Self nx, ny, nt))
| _, { ; _} ->
error place
"the right-hand side of 'let rec' must be a lambda-abstraction"
let cook_var cook build polarity va t =
match va with
| ANone -> fun _ -> TyC.VNone
| APos _ ->
let t = cook polarity t in
fun inst -> TyC.VPos (build (t inst))
| ANeg _ ->
let t = cook (not polarity) t in
fun inst -> TyC.VNeg (build (t inst))
| APosNeg _ ->
let tp = cook polarity t in
let tn = cook (not polarity) t in
fun inst -> TyC.VPosNeg (build (tp inst), build (tn inst))
let rec cook_type env polarity { ; S.value } =
match value with
| S.TVariable x ->
let np, nn =
Smap.find ("'" ^ x) env.type_variables
with Not_found -> error place "Unbound type variable: '%s" x
let n = if polarity then np else nn in
fun (tinst, _) ->
let q = Atom.Map.find n tinst in
assert (q.TyS.polarity = polarity);
| S.TConstructor (l, x) -> begin
match Smap.find x env.type_bindings with
| n ->
let vas = Atom.Map.find n env.type_variance in
if List.length vas <> List.length l then
error place "The type constructor %s expects %d arguments but was given %d arguments" x (List.length vas) (List.length l);
let nl = List.map2 (cook_arg env polarity) vas l in
fun inst ->
T.ident polarity n ( (fun t -> t inst) nl)
| exception Not_found -> error place "Unbound type: %s" x
| S.TArrow (t1, eff, t2) ->
let t1 = cook_type env (not polarity) t1 in
let t2 = cook_type env polarity t2 in
let te = cook_eff env polarity eff in
fun inst ->
T.arrow polarity (t1 inst) (te inst) (t2 inst)
| S.TTuple l ->
let l = (cook_type env polarity) l in
fun inst ->
T.product polarity ( (fun t -> t inst) l)
and cook_arg env polarity (va, b) t =
match t with
| S.TEff e ->
if not b then
error "A type is expected here, but this is an effect.";
let c = cook_var (cook_eff env) (fun x -> x) polarity va e in
fun inst -> TyC.AEff (c inst)
| S.TType t ->
if b then
error "An effect is expected here, but this is a type.";
let c = cook_var (cook_type env) TySSet.singleton polarity va t in
fun inst -> TyC.AType (c inst)
and cook_eff env polarity { ; S.value } =
let rec to_list = function
| S.EEmpty -> [], None
| S.EVariable v -> [], Some v
| S.EEff (i, e) -> let l, v = to_list e in i :: l, v
let l, v = to_list value in
let n = match v with
| None -> None
| Some x ->
let np, nn =
Smap.find ("!" ^ x) env.type_variables
with Not_found -> error place "Unbound type variable: !%s" x
Some (if polarity then np else nn)
let l = (fun x -> Smap.find x env.effect_bindings) l in
(* TODO: check effect names *)
fun (_, einst) ->
let w = TyE.create polarity in
let em = List.fold_left (fun em e -> Atom.Map.add e (TyESet.empty, polarity) em) Atom.Map.empty l in
match n with
| None -> w.TyE.flows <- (em, (TyESet.empty, not polarity)); w
| Some n ->
let v = Atom.Map.find n einst in
let em = Atom.Map.merge (fun _ u1 u2 ->
match u1, u2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some u, _ -> Some u
| None, Some u -> Some u
) em (fst v.TyE.flows) in
w.TyE.flows <- (em, snd v.TyE.flows);
Atom.Map.iter (fun name (qs, _) ->
TyESet.iter (TyE.add_flow_edge (Some name) w) qs;
) (fst w.TyE.flows);
TyESet.iter (TyE.add_flow_edge None w) (fst (snd w.TyE.flows));
let cook_arg_name = function
| S.TTypeVar x -> "'" ^ x
| S.TEffectVar x -> "!" ^ x
let rec cook_program env = function
| { S.value = S.DTerm t ; } :: p ->
let a = Atom.fresh "_" in
let sc, nt = cook_term env t in
assert (Atom.Map.is_empty sc.hypotheses);
let e = TyE.create false in
e.TyE.flows <- (Atom.Map.singleton builtin_io_id (TyESet.empty, false),
(TyESet.empty, true));
check_biunify_eff place env sc.eff e;
T.Let (a, nt, cook_program env p)
| { S.value = S.DLet (recursive, x, t) ; } :: p ->
let env, nx, sc, nt = cook_let env recursive x t in
assert (Atom.Map.is_empty sc.hypotheses);
Format.eprintf "val %s : @[<hv>%a@]@." x (print_scheme env) sc;
let e = TyE.create false in
e.TyE.flows <- (Atom.Map.singleton builtin_io_id (TyESet.empty, false),
(TyESet.empty, true));
check_biunify_eff place env sc.eff e;
T.Let (nx, nt, cook_program env p)
| { S.value = S.DTypeSynonym ((args, x), t) ; _ } :: p ->
let n = Atom.fresh x in
let args = cook_arg_name args in
let vars = (fun x -> (x.[0] = '!', Atom.fresh x, Atom.fresh x)) args in
let vas = (fun (b, x, y) -> APosNeg (x, y), b) vars in
let vamp = List.fold_left2 (fun vam x (_, u, v) -> Smap.add x (u, v) vam) env.type_variables args vars in
let vamn = List.fold_left2 (fun vam x (_, u, v) -> Smap.add x (v, u) vam) env.type_variables args vars in
let env1p = { env with type_variables = vamp } in
let env1n = { env with type_variables = vamn } in
let nenv = { env with
type_bindings = Smap.add x n env.type_bindings ;
type_defs = Atom.Map.add n
(TTypeSynonym (cook_type env1p true t, cook_type env1n false t))
env.type_defs ;
type_variance = Atom.Map.add n vas env.type_variance ;
} in
cook_program nenv p
| { S.value = S.DNewType ((args, x), l) ; _ } :: p ->
let n = Atom.fresh x in
let args = cook_arg_name args in
let vars = (fun x -> (x.[0] = '!', Atom.fresh x, Atom.fresh x)) args in
let vas = (fun (b, x, y) -> APosNeg (x, y), b) vars in
let vamp = List.fold_left2 (fun vam x (_, u, v) -> Smap.add x (u, v) vam) env.type_variables args vars in
let vamn = List.fold_left2 (fun vam x (_, u, v) -> Smap.add x (v, u) vam) env.type_variables args vars in
let env1 = { env with
type_bindings = Smap.add x n env.type_bindings ;
type_variance = Atom.Map.add n vas env.type_variance ;
} in
let env1p = { env1 with type_variables = vamp } in
let env1n = { env1 with type_variables = vamn } in
let constructors =
(fun { S.value = (name, r) ; _ } ->
(name, Atom.fresh name, (fun t ->
cook_type env1p true t, cook_type env1n false t) r)
) l in
let env2 = { env1 with
type_defs = Atom.Map.add n (TBaseType n) env.type_defs ;
constructor_bindings = List.fold_left
(fun cbinds (name, atom, _) -> Smap.add name atom cbinds)
env.constructor_bindings constructors ;
constructor_defs = snd (List.fold_left
(fun (i, cdefs) (_, name, types) ->
(i + 1, Atom.Map.add name (n, types, i, false) cdefs))
(0, env.constructor_defs) constructors) ;
} in
cook_program env2 p
| { S.value = S.DEffect (x, { S.value = (c, t1, t2) ; _ }) ; _ } :: p ->
let n = Atom.fresh x in
let cn = Atom.fresh c in
let ty1 = match t1 with
| None -> None
| Some t1 -> Some (cook_type env true t1, cook_type env false t1)
let ty2 = (cook_type env true t2, cook_type env false t2) in
let nenv = { env with
effect_bindings = Smap.add x n env.effect_bindings ;
effect_defs = Atom.Map.add n (ty1, ty2, env.free_effect_tag) env.effect_defs ;
free_effect_tag = env.free_effect_tag + 1 ;
constructor_bindings = Smap.add c cn env.constructor_bindings ;
constructor_defs = Atom.Map.add cn (n, (match ty1 with None -> [] | Some ty1 -> [ty1]), env.free_effect_tag, true) env.constructor_defs ;
} in
cook_program nenv p
| [] -> T.Lit 0
let cook_program = cook_program base_env