
200 lines
6.7 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
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(* Fabrice Le Fessant, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Helpers for Intel code generators *)
(* The DSL* modules expose functions to emit x86/x86_64 instructions
using a syntax close to AT&T (in particular, arguments are reversed compared
to the official Intel syntax).
Some notes:
- Unary floating point instructions such as fadd/fmul/fstp/fld/etc.
come with a single version supporting both the single and double
precision instructions. (As with Intel syntax.)
- A legacy bug in GAS:
is not replicated here. It is managed by X86_gas.
open X86_ast
open X86_proc
let sym s = Sym s
let nat n = Imm (Int64.of_nativeint n)
let int n = Imm (Int64.of_int n)
let const_32 n = Const (Int64.of_int32 n)
let const_nat n = Const (Int64.of_nativeint n)
let const n = Const (Int64.of_int n)
let al = Reg8L RAX
let ah = Reg8H AH
let cl = Reg8L RCX
let ax = Reg16 RAX
let rax = Reg64 RAX
let r10 = Reg64 R10
let r11 = Reg64 R11
let r13 = Reg64 R13
let r14 = Reg64 R14
let r15 = Reg64 R15
let rsp = Reg64 RSP
let rbp = Reg64 RBP
let xmm15 = Regf (XMM 15)
let eax = Reg32 RAX
let ebx = Reg32 RBX
let ecx = Reg32 RCX
let edx = Reg32 RDX
let ebp = Reg32 RBP
let esp = Reg32 RSP
let st0 = Regf (ST 0)
let st1 = Regf (ST 1)
let mem32 typ ?(scale = 1) ?base ?sym displ idx =
assert(scale >= 0);
Mem {arch = X86; typ; idx; scale; base; sym; displ}
let mem64 typ ?(scale = 1) ?base ?sym displ idx =
assert(scale > 0);
Mem {arch = X64; typ; idx; scale; base; sym; displ}
let mem64_rip typ ?(ofs = 0) s =
Mem64_RIP (typ, s, ofs)
module D = struct
let section segment flags args = directive (Section (segment, flags, args))
let align n = directive (Align (false, n))
let byte n = directive (Byte n)
let bytes s = directive (Bytes s)
let cfi_adjust_cfa_offset n = directive (Cfi_adjust_cfa_offset n)
let cfi_endproc () = directive Cfi_endproc
let cfi_startproc () = directive Cfi_startproc
let comment s = directive (Comment s)
let data () = section [ ".data" ] None []
let extrn s ptr = directive (External (s, ptr))
let file ~file_num ~file_name = directive (File (file_num, file_name))
let global s = directive (Global s)
let indirect_symbol s = directive (Indirect_symbol s)
let label ?(typ = NONE) s = directive (NewLabel (s, typ))
let loc ~file_num ~line ~col = directive (Loc (file_num, line, col))
let long cst = directive (Long cst)
let mode386 () = directive Mode386
let model name = directive (Model name)
let private_extern s = directive (Private_extern s)
let qword cst = directive (Quad cst)
let setvar (x, y) = directive (Set (x, y))
let size name cst = directive (Size (name, cst))
let space n = directive (Space n)
let text () = section [ ".text" ] None []
let type_ name typ = directive (Type (name, typ))
let word cst = directive (Word cst)
module I = struct
let add x y = emit (ADD (x, y))
let addsd x y = emit (ADDSD (x, y))
let and_ x y= emit (AND (x, y))
let andpd x y = emit (ANDPD (x, y))
let bswap x = emit (BSWAP x)
let call x = emit (CALL x)
let cdq () = emit CDQ
let cmp x y = emit (CMP (x, y))
let comisd x y = emit (COMISD (x, y))
let cqo () = emit CQO
let cvtsd2ss x y = emit (CVTSD2SS (x, y))
let cvtsi2sd x y = emit (CVTSI2SD (x, y))
let cvtss2sd x y = emit (CVTSS2SD (x, y))
let cvttsd2si x y = emit (CVTTSD2SI (x, y))
let dec x = emit (DEC x)
let divsd x y = emit (DIVSD (x, y))
let fabs () = emit FABS
let fadd x = emit (FADD x)
let faddp x y = emit (FADDP (x, y))
let fchs () = emit FCHS
let fcomp x = emit (FCOMP x)
let fcompp () = emit FCOMPP
let fcos () = emit FCOS
let fdiv x = emit (FDIV x)
let fdivp x y = emit (FDIVP (x, y))
let fdivr x = emit (FDIVR x)
let fdivrp x y = emit (FDIVRP (x, y))
let fild x = emit (FILD x)
let fistp x = emit (FISTP x)
let fld x = emit (FLD x)
let fld1 () = emit FLD1
let fldcw x = emit (FLDCW x)
let fldlg2 () = emit FLDLG2
let fldln2 () = emit FLDLN2
let fldz () = emit FLDZ
let fmul x = emit (FMUL x)
let fmulp x y = emit (FMULP (x, y))
let fnstcw x = emit (FNSTCW x)
let fnstsw x = emit (FNSTSW x)
let fpatan () = emit FPATAN
let fptan () = emit FPTAN
let fsin () = emit FSIN
let fsqrt () = emit FSQRT
let fstp x = emit (FSTP x)
let fsub x = emit (FSUB x)
let fsubp x y = emit (FSUBP (x, y))
let fsubr x = emit (FSUBR x)
let fsubrp x y = emit (FSUBRP (x, y))
let fxch x = emit (FXCH x)
let fyl2x () = emit FYL2X
let hlt () = emit HLT
let idiv x = emit (IDIV x)
let imul x y = emit (IMUL (x, y))
let inc x = emit (INC x)
let j cond x = emit (J (cond, x))
let ja = j A
let jae = j AE
let jb = j B
let jbe = j BE
let je = j E
let jg = j G
let jmp x = emit (JMP x)
let jne = j NE
let jp = j P
let lea x y = emit (LEA (x, y))
let mov x y = emit (MOV (x, y))
let movapd x y = emit (MOVAPD (x, y))
let movsd x y = emit (MOVSD (x, y))
let movss x y = emit (MOVSS (x, y))
let movsx x y = emit (MOVSX (x, y))
let movsxd x y = emit (MOVSXD (x, y))
let movzx x y = emit (MOVZX (x, y))
let mulsd x y = emit (MULSD (x, y))
let nop () = emit NOP
let or_ x y = emit (OR (x, y))
let pop x = emit (POP x)
let push x = emit (PUSH x)
let ret () = emit RET
let sal x y = emit (SAL (x, y))
let sar x y = emit (SAR (x, y))
let set cond x = emit (SET (cond, x))
let shr x y = emit (SHR (x, y))
let sqrtsd x y = emit (SQRTSD (x, y))
let sub x y = emit (SUB (x, y))
let subsd x y = emit (SUBSD (x, y))
let test x y= emit (TEST (x, y))
let ucomisd x y = emit (UCOMISD (x, y))
let xchg x y = emit (XCHG (x, y))
let xor x y= emit (XOR (x, y))
let xorpd x y = emit (XORPD (x, y))