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(* *)
(* OCaml *)
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(* The OCaml programmers *)
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(* Copyright 2018 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(** Integer values.
Integers are {!Sys.int_size} bits wide and use two's complement
representation. All operations are taken modulo
2{^[Sys.int_size]}. They do not fail on overflow.
@since 4.08 *)
(** {1:ints Integers} *)
type t = int
(** The type for integer values. *)
val zero : int
(** [zero] is the integer [0]. *)
val one : int
(** [one] is the integer [1]. *)
val minus_one : int
(** [minus_one] is the integer [-1]. *)
external neg : int -> int = "%negint"
(** [neg x] is [~-x]. *)
external add : int -> int -> int = "%addint"
(** [add x y] is the addition [x + y]. *)
external sub : int -> int -> int = "%subint"
(** [sub x y] is the subtraction [x - y]. *)
external mul : int -> int -> int = "%mulint"
(** [mul x y] is the multiplication [x * y]. *)
external div : int -> int -> int = "%divint"
(** [div x y] is the division [x / y]. See {!Stdlib.( / )} for details. *)
external rem : int -> int -> int = "%modint"
(** [rem x y] is the remainder [x mod y]. See {!Stdlib.( mod )} for details. *)
external succ : int -> int = "%succint"
(** [succ x] is [add x 1]. *)
external pred : int -> int = "%predint"
(** [pred x] is [sub x 1]. *)
val abs : int -> int
(** [abs x] is the absolute value of [x]. That is [x] if [x] is positive
and [neg x] if [x] is negative. {b Warning.} This may be negative if
the argument is {!min_int}. *)
val max_int : int
(** [max_int] is the greatest representable integer,
[2{^[Sys.int_size - 1]} - 1]. *)
val min_int : int
(** [min_int] is the smallest representable integer,
[-2{^[Sys.int_size - 1]}]. *)
external logand : int -> int -> int = "%andint"
(** [logand x y] is the bitwise logical and of [x] and [y]. *)
external logor : int -> int -> int = "%orint"
(** [logor x y] is the bitwise logical or of [x] and [y]. *)
external logxor : int -> int -> int = "%xorint"
(** [logxor x y] is the bitwise logical exclusive or of [x] and [y]. *)
val lognot : int -> int
(** [lognot x] is the bitwise logical negation of [x]. *)
external shift_left : int -> int -> int = "%lslint"
(** [shift_left x n] shifts [x] to the left by [n] bits. The result
is unspecified if [n < 0] or [n > ]{!Sys.int_size}. *)
external shift_right : int -> int -> int = "%asrint"
(** [shift_right x n] shifts [x] to the right by [n] bits. This is an
arithmetic shift: the sign bit of [x] is replicated and inserted
in the vacated bits. The result is unspecified if [n < 0] or
[n > ]{!Sys.int_size}. *)
external shift_right_logical : int -> int -> int = "%lsrint"
(** [shift_right x n] shifts [x] to the right by [n] bits. This is a
logical shift: zeroes are inserted in the vacated bits regardless
of the sign of [x]. The result is unspecified if [n < 0] or
[n > ]{!Sys.int_size}. *)
(** {1:preds Predicates and comparisons} *)
val equal : int -> int -> bool
(** [equal x y] is [true] iff [x = y]. *)
val compare : int -> int -> int
(** [compare x y] is {!Stdlib.compare}[ x y] but more efficient. *)
(** {1:convert Converting} *)
external to_float : int -> float = "%floatofint"
(** [to_float x] is [x] as a floating point number. *)
external of_float : float -> int = "%intoffloat"
(** [of_float x] truncates [x] to an integer. The result is
unspecified if the argument is [nan] or falls outside the range of
representable integers. *)
val of_string : string -> int option
(** [of_string s] is [Some s] if [s] can be parsed to an integer
in the range representable by the type [int] (note that this
depends on {!Sys.int_size}) and [None] otherwise.
The string may start with an optional ['-'] or ['+'] sign, and may
be followed by an optional prefix that specifies the base in which
the number is expressed. If there is not prefix or if the prefix
is [0u] or [0U] it is expressed in decimal. If the prefix is [0x]
or [0X] it is expressed in hexadecimal. If the prefix is [0o] or
[0O] it is expressed in octal. If the prefix is [0b] or [0B] it is
expressed in binary.
When the [0u] or [0U] prefix is used, the represented number may
exceed {!max_int} or {!min_int} in which case it wraps around
modulo 2{^[Sys.int_size]} like arithmetic operations do.
The ['_'] (underscore) character can appear anywhere between two
digits of the number. *)
val to_string : int -> string
(** [to_string x] is the written representation of [x] in decimal. *)