
63 lines
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#include "../constants/voxel_constants.h"
#include "../storage/voxel_buffer_internal.h"
#include "../util/tasks/threaded_task.h"
#include "distance_normalmaps.h"
#include "meshing_dependency.h"
#include "priority_dependency.h"
namespace zylann::voxel {
class VoxelData;
// Asynchronous task generating a mesh from voxel blocks and their neighbors, in a particular volume
class MeshBlockTask : public IThreadedTask {
void run(ThreadedTaskContext ctx) override;
TaskPriority get_priority() override;
bool is_cancelled() override;
void apply_result() override;
static int debug_get_running_count();
// 3x3x3 or 4x4x4 grid of voxel blocks.
FixedArray<std::shared_ptr<VoxelBufferInternal>, constants::MAX_BLOCK_COUNT_PER_REQUEST> blocks;
// TODO Need to provide format
//FixedArray<uint8_t, VoxelBufferInternal::MAX_CHANNELS> channel_depths;
Vector3i mesh_block_position; // In mesh blocks of the specified lod
uint32_t volume_id;
uint8_t lod_index = 0;
uint8_t blocks_count = 0;
uint8_t data_block_size = 0;
bool collision_hint = false;
bool lod_hint = false;
// Virtual textures might be enabled, but we don't always want to update them in every mesh update.
// So this boolean is also checked to know if they should be computed.
bool require_virtual_texture = false;
PriorityDependency priority_dependency;
std::shared_ptr<MeshingDependency> meshing_dependency;
std::shared_ptr<VoxelData> data;
NormalMapSettings virtual_texture_settings;
bool _has_run = false;
bool _too_far = false;
bool _has_mesh_resource = false;
VoxelMesher::Output _surfaces_output;
Ref<Mesh> _mesh;
std::vector<uint8_t> _mesh_material_indices; // Indexed by mesh surface
std::shared_ptr<VirtualTextureOutput> _virtual_textures;
Ref<ArrayMesh> build_mesh(Span<const VoxelMesher::Output::Surface> surfaces, Mesh::PrimitiveType primitive, int flags,
std::vector<uint8_t> &surface_indices);
} // namespace zylann::voxel