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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="VoxelBlockyLibrary" inherits="Resource" version="4.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../../doc/class.xsd">
Contains a list of models that can be used by [VoxelMesherBlocky].
Provides a list of models that can be used by [VoxelMesherBlocky]. Each model corresponds to an ID in voxel data, and is generally defined from a mesh. Some extra properties can also be defined, such as how sides get culled by neighbor voxels, or how it is treated by some functionality of the voxel engine.
If you create this library from code, it needs to be baked at the end using the [method bake] function.
The first model (at index 0) is conventionally used for "air" or "empty".
<method name="bake">
<return type="void" />
Bakes the library. The data of models is optimized in order to combine them more efficiently when generating voxel meshes.
<method name="create_voxel">
<return type="VoxelBlockyModel" />
<param index="0" name="id" type="int" />
<param index="1" name="name" type="String" />
Creates a new model attached to this library.
[code]id[/code]: ID of the model. It must be comprised between 0 and [member voxel_count] excluded. This ID will be used in voxel data.
[code]name[/code]: Name of the model. It is convenient to give one for better organization.
<method name="get_materials" qualifiers="const">
<return type="Material[]" />
Gets a list of all distinct materials found in all models of the library.
Note, if at least one non-empty model has no material, there will be one [code]null[/code] entry in this list to represent "The default material".
<method name="get_voxel">
<return type="VoxelBlockyModel" />
<param index="0" name="id" type="int" />
Gets a model from its ID.
<method name="get_voxel_by_name">
<return type="VoxelBlockyModel" />
<param index="0" name="name" type="StringName" />
Finds the first model having the specified name. If not found, returns [code]null[/code].
<method name="get_voxel_index_from_name" qualifiers="const">
<return type="int" />
<param index="0" name="name" type="StringName" />
Finds the ID of the first model having the specified name. If not found, returns [code]null[/code].
<member name="atlas_size" type="int" setter="set_atlas_size" getter="get_atlas_size" default="16">
Sets a reference size of texture atlas. This is only used on models which have a geometry mode set to [code]GEOMETRY_CUBE[/code].
This property is old and might be removed or changed in the future, as it only works in specific setups.
<member name="bake_tangents" type="bool" setter="set_bake_tangents" getter="get_bake_tangents" default="true">
Enable this option if you need normal mapping on your voxels. If you don't need it, disabling can reduce memory usage and give a small speed boost.
<member name="voxel_count" type="int" setter="set_voxel_count" getter="get_voxel_count" default="0">
How many models the library can contain. You may set it first before adding models from a script.
<constant name="MAX_VOXEL_TYPES" value="65536">