
28 lines
934 B

var zoom = new Zooming('elementId');
zoom.to('n'); or zoom.to(n);
elementId is the id value of an element. All elements are supported, to zoom the whole page use the body.
E.g.: <body id="myId"> or <div id="myId"> ... var myZoom = new Zooming('myId');
n is the zoom level. Set to lower than 1 to zoom out and higher than 1 to zoom in. Set to 1 for no zoom.
E.g.: myZoom.to(1.5s);
Known issues:
If the image size is specified in "px" and not in "em" zooming does resize the image.
class Zooming {
constructor(elementId) {
this.body = document.getElementById(elementId);
if (this.body.currentStyle) {
this.fontSize = body.currentStyle["fontSize"];
this.fontUnit = "pt";
} else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
this.fontSize = 16;
this.fontUnit = "px";
this.fontSize = parseFloat(this.fontSize);
to(zoomSize) {
this.body.style["fontSize"] = this.fontSize * zoomSize + this.fontUnit;