
65 lines
1.6 KiB

-- module elapsed time since last mesecons_clear_penalty --
-- by SwissalpS --
-- displays IRL time passed in since mesecons_clear_penalty command
-- was issued.
-- Abandoned as can't check if mesecons_debug is installed at all
local timeOfReset = core.get_us_time()
local hasChatCSM = not core.get_csm_restrictions().chat_messages
-- never exists
local hasMeseconsDebug = core.global_exists('mesecons_debug')
--print('hasMeseconsDebug: ' .. tostring(hasMeseconsDebug))
-- always returns a path
--print('modpath: ' .. core.get_modpath('mesecons_debug'))
local function clear(index) timeOfReset = core.get_us_time() end -- clear
local function update(index)
local iE = (core.get_us_time() - timeOfReset) * .000001
local sE = string.format('%02i:%02i:%02i', iE / 3600, iE / 60 % 60, iE % 60)
-- auto-clear on servers that allow sending commands
if hasChatCSM and hasMeseconsDebug and 121 < iE then
core.run_server_chatcommand('mesecons_clear_penalty', '')
return 'mcp: ' .. sE
end -- update
local function inspectOutgoingChat(sMessage)
if '/mesecons_clear_penalty' == sMessage then clear() end
return false
end -- inspectOutgoingChat
local function inspectChat(sMessage)
if 'penalty reset' == sMessage then clear() end
return false
end -- inspectChat
id = 'timeMeseconsClear',
title = 'mcp',
value = 'mesecons penalty module',
onClear = clear,
onUpdate = update,
--print('module timeMeseconsClear loaded')