
142 lines
7.1 KiB
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* v1.0.0
** v0.1.0
*** TODO v0.0.1
**** Improvments
- [ ] All sources go in src/
For instance, our own sources are
- [ ] Doxygen documentation
- [ ] Unit tests
- [ ] With a correct script we could generate captions one for all
and generate map at multiple zoom factors to handle web UI zoom
**** Should handle unit tests
CLOCK: [2020-12-07 lun. 10:14]--[2020-12-07 lun. 10:24] => 0:10
CLOCK: [2020-04-13 lun. 17:12]--[2020-04-13 lun. 17:46] => 0:34
maybe based on https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/master/docs/tutorial.md
- [X] cmake should search for catch
- [X] Should link to `make check`
- [ ] Start to implement FactionsHandler_Test.cpp
- [ ] Continue to improve the first real test of FactionsHandler
**** TODO factions.conf reading and unit tests
CLOCK: [2022-06-09 jeu. 06:54]--[2022-06-09 jeu. 07:33] => 0:39
CLOCK: [2022-05-03 mar. 22:18]--[2022-05-03 mar. 22:43] => 0:25
CLOCK: [2022-01-20 jeu. 07:36]--[2022-01-20 jeu. 07:49] => 0:13
CLOCK: [2021-11-02 mar. 17:58]--[2021-11-02 mar. 18:45] => 0:47
CLOCK: [2021-09-08 mer. 19:01]--[2021-09-08 mer. 19:30] => 0:29
CLOCK: [2021-09-08 mer. 18:53]--[2021-09-08 mer. 18:58] => 0:05
CLOCK: [2021-07-26 lun. 18:01]--[2021-07-26 lun. 18:38] => 0:37
- [X] mapper.src should be src/main.cpp (modified)
- [ ] Building actually fail référence indéfinie vers
« lua_pushvalue(lua_State*, int) »
- [ ] Actual REQUIRE_NOTHROW seems to be due to extra newline
- [ ] Must compute absolute/canonical path and fix other unit tests
Then, enable CI at gitlab
see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/filesystem/canonical
- [ ] If no faction found in the game, should print a readable
error message (use and keep test-5.3-no_faction/ for this test)
FactionsFileNotFound::what text is buggy
- [ ] FactionsHandler shoudn't have all this exception/lua code
- [ ] Our actual minetest world is called 'test-5.0.0'
segfault when called on
#1 0x00007ffff790f6cc in lua_next () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/liblua5.1.so.0
#2 0x000055555556989e in iterate_and_print (L=0x5555555a0fa0,
index=<optimized out>)
at /home/rainbru/programmation/gitlab/minetestmapper-factions/src/FactionsHandler.cpp:29
- [ ] We just have to know which keys we need
For instance, keep the faction's name and add to legend
- [ ] If received type is nil, maybe the factions.conf file is empty (no factions)
- [ ] Add a legend with all known factions
legend can be sorted by faction's power
write a svg file
- [ ] Add a little outline for all known protectors for each factions
**** DONE Improve the mapper
CLOCK: [2021-06-03 jeu. 19:50]--[2021-06-03 jeu. 20:47] => 0:57
CLOCK: [2021-06-03 jeu. 19:20]--[2021-06-03 jeu. 19:40] => 0:20
CLOCK: [2020-06-02 mar. 15:21]--[2020-06-02 mar. 15:28] => 0:07
CLOCK: [2020-04-22 mer. 19:14]--[2020-04-22 mer. 19:23] => 0:09
CLOCK: [2020-04-02 jeu. 18:00]--[2020-04-02 jeu. 18:11] => 0:11
CLOCK: [2020-03-24 mar. 20:39]--[2020-03-24 mar. 20:47] => 0:08
CLOCK: [2020-03-16 lun. 11:28]--[2020-03-16 lun. 11:45] => 0:17
CLOCK: [2020-03-04 mer. 12:03]--[2020-03-04 mer. 12:14] => 0:11
CLOCK: [2020-03-04 mer. 11:37]--[2020-03-04 mer. 11:53] => 0:16
CLOCK: [2020-01-31 ven. 07:44]--[2020-01-31 ven. 07:56] => 0:12
CLOCK: [2019-11-28 jeu. 13:02]--[2019-11-28 jeu. 13:25] => 0:23
CLOCK: [2019-11-14 jeu. 12:21]--[2019-11-14 jeu. 12:46] => 0:25
CLOCK: [2019-11-14 jeu. 11:28]--[2019-11-14 jeu. 12:01] => 0:33
CLOCK: [2019-11-06 mer. 02:22]--[2019-11-06 mer. 02:54] => 0:32
CLOCK: [2019-10-28 lun. 05:52]--[2019-10-28 lun. 06:41] => 0:49
CLOCK: [2019-10-10 jeu. 12:49]--[2019-10-10 jeu. 12:52] => 0:03
CLOCK: [2019-05-30 jeu. 23:39]--[2019-05-30 jeu. 23:47] => 0:08
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 02:21]--[2019-05-31 ven. 02:40] => 0:19
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 03:20]--[2019-05-31 ven. 03:24] => 0:04
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 03:29]--[2019-05-31 ven. 03:47] => 0:18
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 04:20]--[2019-05-31 ven. 04:28] => 0:08
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 04:36]--[2019-05-31 ven. 04:59] => 0:23
CLOCK: [2019-05-31 ven. 07:16]--[2019-05-31 ven. 07:36] => 0:20
CLOCK: [2019-08-08 jeu. 04:07]--[2019-08-08 jeu. 04:12] => 0:05
Maybe the legend in another file to handle a client zoom feature.
- [X] Try to write the legend in SVG ?, in exemple caption.svg ?
We must get the basename and call it {basename}-caption.svg
Or get the full name from the caption parameter ?
- [X] Where does the factions mod save the factions states
in the world dir, there is a factions.conf file
it loosk like a lua file
- [X] We should have a lua interpreter for that
- [X] cmake search for lua : to get the same version as minetest game,
use the same =minetest/cmake/Modules/FindLua.cmake= file
- [X] Update README with this new dependency
- [X] In an unique Factions.h/cpp
The main function is in mapper.cpp
- [X] get the factions.conf file : we need the world dir
- [X] create a lua interpreter : we're using LuaJIT
- Can't link with lua (lua_open())
see https://riptutorial.com/lua/example/16238/embedded-lua-interpreter-with-custom-api-and-lua-customization
- [X] I don't think we need luagit : we don't search it in CMakeLists.txt
Simply search for /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua51.pc
- [X] Just claimed a parcel in SOLO world
Can't see it in factions.conf
faction name is solefact (for player singleplayer)
it should be in 'parcels' retry
- [X] Tried https://github.com/vinniefalco/LuaBridge, not interesting
- [X] Must get factions.conf lua object in C++
- [X] cmake must search for luabridge : not needed, trying with basci lua
- [X] Try to print factions names
- [X] Try to get lua lib with debug symbols
liblua5.1.so.0 => liblua5.1-0
- [X] Use luaAccess function to print for given names
We have a segfault in the while (Lua_Next(l, -2)) of lua_access()
- [X] Try to read current string : =attempt to call a table value=
- [X] Retry to read factions file
Always the =attempt to call a table value= issue
Maybe openning with dofile can't work
- [X] Try with luaL_loadfile()
see https://cpp.hotexamples.com/examples/-/-/luaL_loadfile/cpp-lual_loadfile-function-examples.html
We have another error
- [X] Now, we have a table, try to print its content (in ::printLuaTable)
- [X] Again, we have a segfault
- [X] Start to implement models
- [X] We need a list of factions (with a name and a color)
- [X] May be randomized (name and color)
- [X] Should know how color are stored
Struct Color is in include/Image.h
- [X] Cmake should search for gd.h
- [X] New lua error
- [X] On factionCreationTest/, we actually get a table using dofile
Now, I get newFaction => (null)
Trying a recursive call when getting a null value
- [X] `make check` fail :
When we can't open lua file, FactionsHandler call exit(1) : fix that
- [-] We must be able to extract faction name from factions'.conf lua file
- [X] Unit test that
Not sure we have <filesystem> (C++17): now, yes