
134 lines
4.9 KiB

Copyright (c) 2017 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <>.
uniform sampler2D inputTexture;
uniform sampler2D depthTexture;
uniform sampler2D previousTexture;
uniform sampler2D processedInputTexture;
uniform vec2 inverseVP;
uniform mat4 reprojectionMatrix;
varying vec2 texCoord;
/* UE4-style temporal AA. Implementation is based on my ShaderToy submission */
// YUV-RGB conversion routine from Hyper3D
vec3 encodePalYuv(vec3 rgb)
return vec3(
dot(rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)),
dot(rgb, vec3(-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436)),
dot(rgb, vec3(0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001))
vec3 decodePalYuv(vec3 yuv)
return vec3(
dot(yuv, vec3(1., 0., 1.13983)),
dot(yuv, vec3(1., -0.39465, -0.58060)),
dot(yuv, vec3(1., 2.03211, 0.))
void main() {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reprojection
// Calulate the Z position of the current pixel. Take the minimum Z value
// of the neighboring pixels to preserve the antialiasing of foreground
// objects.
vec2 off = inverseVP;
float inputZ0 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord).x;
float inputZ1 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, 0.0)).x;
float inputZ2 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, 0.0)).x;
float inputZ3 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(0.0, +off.y)).x;
float inputZ4 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(0.0, -off.y)).x;
float inputZ5 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, +off.y)).x;
float inputZ6 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, +off.y)).x;
float inputZ7 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, -off.y)).x;
float inputZ8 = texture2D(depthTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, -off.y)).x;
float inputZ = min(min(min(inputZ0, inputZ1), min(inputZ2, inputZ3)),
min(min(inputZ4, inputZ5), min(inputZ6, min(inputZ7, inputZ8))));
// Predict where the point was in the previous frame. The Z range [0, 0.1]
// is for a view weapon, so assume no movement in this range.
vec4 reprojectedTexCoord;
if (inputZ < 0.1) {
reprojectedTexCoord.xy = texCoord.xy;
} else {
reprojectedTexCoord = reprojectionMatrix * vec4(texCoord, inputZ, 1.0);
reprojectedTexCoord.xy /= reprojectedTexCoord.w;
vec4 lastColor = texture2D(previousTexture, reprojectedTexCoord.xy);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
vec3 antialiased =;
float mixRate = min(lastColor.w, 0.5);
vec3 in0 = texture2D(processedInputTexture, texCoord).xyz;
antialiased = mix(antialiased, in0, mixRate);
vec3 in1 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 in2 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 in3 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(0.0, +off.y)).xyz;
vec3 in4 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(0.0, -off.y)).xyz;
vec3 in5 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, +off.y)).xyz;
vec3 in6 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, +off.y)).xyz;
vec3 in7 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(+off.x, -off.y)).xyz;
vec3 in8 = texture2D(inputTexture, texCoord + vec2(-off.x, -off.y)).xyz;
antialiased = encodePalYuv(antialiased);
in0 = encodePalYuv(in0);
in1 = encodePalYuv(in1);
in2 = encodePalYuv(in2);
in3 = encodePalYuv(in3);
in4 = encodePalYuv(in4);
in5 = encodePalYuv(in5);
in6 = encodePalYuv(in6);
in7 = encodePalYuv(in7);
in8 = encodePalYuv(in8);
vec3 minColor = min(min(min(in0, in1), min(in2, in3)), in4);
vec3 maxColor = max(max(max(in0, in1), max(in2, in3)), in4);
minColor = mix(minColor,
min(min(min(in5, in6), min(in7, in8)), minColor), 0.5);
maxColor = mix(maxColor,
max(max(max(in5, in6), max(in7, in8)), maxColor), 0.5);
vec3 preclamping = antialiased;
antialiased = clamp(antialiased, minColor, maxColor);
mixRate = 1.0 / (1.0 / mixRate + 1.0);
vec3 diff = abs(antialiased - preclamping);
float clampAmount = max(max(diff.x, diff.y), diff.z);
mixRate += clampAmount * 8.0;
mixRate = clamp(mixRate, 0.05, 0.5);
antialiased = decodePalYuv(antialiased);
gl_FragColor = vec4(max(antialiased, vec3(0.0)), mixRate);