
510 lines
17 KiB

Copyright (c) 2013 yvt
This file is part of OpenSpades.
OpenSpades is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenSpades is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenSpades. If not, see <>.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "GLAmbientShadowRenderer.h"
#include "GLProfiler.h"
#include "GLRenderer.h"
#include <Client/GameMap.h>
#include <Core/ConcurrentDispatch.h>
namespace spades {
namespace draw {
class GLAmbientShadowRenderer::UpdateDispatch : public ConcurrentDispatch {
GLAmbientShadowRenderer &renderer;
std::atomic<bool> done{false};
UpdateDispatch(GLAmbientShadowRenderer &r) : renderer(r) {}
void Run() override {
done = true;
GLAmbientShadowRenderer::GLAmbientShadowRenderer(GLRenderer &r, client::GameMap &m)
: renderer(r), device(r.GetGLDevice()), map(m) {
for (auto &rayDir : rays) {
Vector3 dir =
MakeVector3(SampleRandomFloat(), SampleRandomFloat(), SampleRandomFloat());
dir = dir.Normalize();
dir += 0.01f;
rayDir = dir;
w = map->Width();
h = map->Height();
d = map->Depth();
chunkW = w / ChunkSize;
chunkH = h / ChunkSize;
chunkD = d / ChunkSize;
chunks = std::vector<Chunk>{static_cast<std::size_t>(chunkW * chunkH * chunkD)};
for (Chunk &c : chunks) {
float *data = (float *);
std::fill(data, data + ChunkSize * ChunkSize * ChunkSize * 2, 1.f);
for (int x = 0; x < chunkW; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < chunkH; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < chunkD; z++) {
Chunk &c = GetChunk(x, y, z); = x; = y; = z;
SPLog("Chunk buffer allocated (%d bytes)",
(int)sizeof(Chunk) * chunkW * chunkH * chunkD);
// make texture
texture = device.GenTexture();
device.BindTexture(IGLDevice::Texture3D, texture);
device.TexParamater(IGLDevice::Texture3D, IGLDevice::TextureMagFilter,
device.TexParamater(IGLDevice::Texture3D, IGLDevice::TextureMinFilter,
device.TexParamater(IGLDevice::Texture3D, IGLDevice::TextureWrapS, IGLDevice::Repeat);
device.TexParamater(IGLDevice::Texture3D, IGLDevice::TextureWrapT, IGLDevice::Repeat);
device.TexParamater(IGLDevice::Texture3D, IGLDevice::TextureWrapR,
device.TexImage3D(IGLDevice::Texture3D, 0, IGLDevice::RG, w, h, d + 1, 0, IGLDevice::RG,
IGLDevice::FloatType, NULL);
SPLog("Chunk texture allocated");
std::vector<float> v;
v.resize(w * h * 2);
std::fill(v.begin(), v.end(), 1.f);
for (int i = 0; i < d + 1; i++) {
device.TexSubImage3D(IGLDevice::Texture3D, 0, 0, 0, i, w, h, 1, IGLDevice::RG,
SPLog("Chunk texture initialized");
dispatch = NULL;
GLAmbientShadowRenderer::~GLAmbientShadowRenderer() {
if (dispatch) {
delete dispatch;
* Evaluate the AO term at the point specified by given world coordinates.
float GLAmbientShadowRenderer::Evaluate(IntVector3 ipos) {
float sum = 0.0f;
Vector3 pos = MakeVector3((float)ipos.x, (float)ipos.y, (float)ipos.z);
pos.x += 0.5f;
pos.y += 0.5f;
pos.z += 0.5f;
for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++) {
Vector3 dir = rays[i];
unsigned int bits = i & 7;
if (bits & 1)
dir.x = -dir.x;
if (bits & 2)
dir.y = -dir.y;
if (bits & 4)
dir.z = -dir.z;
Vector3 muzzle = pos;
IntVector3 hitBlock;
float brightness = 1.f;
if (map->CastRay(muzzle, dir, (float)RayLength, hitBlock)) {
Vector3 centerPos =
MakeVector3(hitBlock.x + .5f, hitBlock.y + .5f, hitBlock.z + .5f);
float dist = (centerPos - muzzle).GetPoweredLength();
brightness = dist * (1.0 / float((RayLength - 1) * (RayLength - 1)));
if (brightness > 1.f)
brightness = 1.f;
sum += brightness;
sum = std::min(sum * (2.f / (float)NumRays), 1.0f);
return sum;
void GLAmbientShadowRenderer::GameMapChanged(int x, int y, int z, client::GameMap *map) {
if (map != this->map.GetPointerOrNull()) {
Invalidate(x - RayLength, y - RayLength, z - RayLength, x + RayLength, y + RayLength,
z + RayLength);
void GLAmbientShadowRenderer::Invalidate(int minX, int minY, int minZ, int maxX, int maxY,
int maxZ) {
if (minZ < 0) {
minZ = 0;
if (maxZ > d - 1) {
maxZ = d - 1;
if (minX > maxX || minY > maxY || minZ > maxZ) {
// these should be floor div
int cx1 = minX >> ChunkSizeBits;
int cy1 = minY >> ChunkSizeBits;
int cz1 = minZ >> ChunkSizeBits;
int cx2 = maxX >> ChunkSizeBits;
int cy2 = maxY >> ChunkSizeBits;
int cz2 = maxZ >> ChunkSizeBits;
for (int cx = cx1; cx <= cx2; cx++) {
for (int cy = cy1; cy <= cy2; cy++) {
for (int cz = cz1; cz <= cz2; cz++) {
Chunk &c = GetChunkWrapped(cx, cy, cz);
int originX = cx * ChunkSize;
int originY = cy * ChunkSize;
int originZ = cz * ChunkSize;
int inMinX = std::max(minX - originX, 0);
int inMinY = std::max(minY - originY, 0);
int inMinZ = std::max(minZ - originZ, 0);
int inMaxX = std::min(maxX - originX, ChunkSize - 1);
int inMaxY = std::min(maxY - originY, ChunkSize - 1);
int inMaxZ = std::min(maxZ - originZ, ChunkSize - 1);
if (!c.dirty) {
c.dirtyMinX = inMinX;
c.dirtyMinY = inMinY;
c.dirtyMinZ = inMinZ;
c.dirtyMaxX = inMaxX;
c.dirtyMaxY = inMaxY;
c.dirtyMaxZ = inMaxZ;
c.dirty = true;
} else {
c.dirtyMinX = std::min(inMinX, c.dirtyMinX);
c.dirtyMinY = std::min(inMinY, c.dirtyMinY);
c.dirtyMinZ = std::min(inMinZ, c.dirtyMinZ);
c.dirtyMaxX = std::max(inMaxX, c.dirtyMaxX);
c.dirtyMaxY = std::max(inMaxY, c.dirtyMaxY);
c.dirtyMaxZ = std::max(inMaxZ, c.dirtyMaxZ);
int GLAmbientShadowRenderer::GetNumDirtyChunks() {
return (int)std::count_if(chunks.begin(), chunks.end(),
[](const Chunk &c) { return c.dirty; });
void GLAmbientShadowRenderer::Update() {
if (GetNumDirtyChunks() > 0 && (dispatch == NULL || dispatch->done)) {
if (dispatch) {
delete dispatch;
dispatch = new UpdateDispatch(*this);
// Count the number of chunks that need to be uploaded to GPU.
// This value is approximate but it should be okay for profiling use
std::size_t numChunksToLoad = std::count_if(
chunks.begin(), chunks.end(), [](const Chunk &c) { return !c.transferDone.load(); });
GLProfiler::Context profiler{renderer.GetGLProfiler(),
"Large Ambient Occlusion [>= %d chunk(s)]",
device.BindTexture(IGLDevice::Texture3D, texture);
for (Chunk &c : chunks) {
if (! {
device.TexSubImage3D(IGLDevice::Texture3D, 0, * ChunkSize, * ChunkSize, * ChunkSize + 1, ChunkSize,
ChunkSize, ChunkSize, IGLDevice::RG, IGLDevice::FloatType,;
void GLAmbientShadowRenderer::UpdateDirtyChunks() {
std::array<std::size_t, 256> dirtyChunkIds;
std::size_t numDirtyChunks = 0;
int nearDirtyChunks = 0;
// first, check only chunks in near range
Vector3 eyePos = renderer.GetSceneDef().viewOrigin;
int eyeX = (int)(eyePos.x) >> ChunkSizeBits;
int eyeY = (int)(eyePos.y) >> ChunkSizeBits;
int eyeZ = (int)(eyePos.z) >> ChunkSizeBits;
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) {
Chunk &c = chunks[i];
int dx = ( - eyeX) & (chunkW - 1);
int dy = ( - eyeY) & (chunkH - 1);
int dz = ( - eyeZ);
if (dx >= 6 && dx <= chunkW - 6)
if (dy >= 6 && dy <= chunkW - 6)
if (dz >= 6 || dz <= -6)
if (c.dirty) {
dirtyChunkIds[numDirtyChunks++] = static_cast<int>(i);
if (numDirtyChunks >= dirtyChunkIds.size())
// far chunks
if (numDirtyChunks == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) {
Chunk &c = chunks[i];
if (c.dirty) {
dirtyChunkIds[numDirtyChunks++] = static_cast<int>(i);
if (numDirtyChunks >= dirtyChunkIds.size())
// limit update count per frame
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (numDirtyChunks <= 0)
std::size_t idx = SampleRandomInt(std::size_t{0}, numDirtyChunks - 1);
Chunk &c = chunks[dirtyChunkIds[idx]];
// remove from list (fast)
if (idx < numDirtyChunks - 1) {
std::swap(dirtyChunkIds[idx], dirtyChunkIds[numDirtyChunks - 1]);
printf("%d (%d near) chunk update left\n",
GetNumDirtyChunks(), nearDirtyChunks);*/
void GLAmbientShadowRenderer::UpdateChunk(int cx, int cy, int cz) {
Chunk &c = GetChunk(cx, cy, cz);
if (!c.dirty)
int originX = cx * ChunkSize;
int originY = cy * ChunkSize;
int originZ = cz * ChunkSize;
// Compute the slightly larger volume for blurring
constexpr int padding = 2;
float wData[ChunkSize + padding * 2][ChunkSize + padding * 2][ChunkSize + padding * 2]
std::uint8_t wFlags[ChunkSize + padding * 2][ChunkSize + padding * 2]
[ChunkSize + padding * 2];
int wOriginX = originX - padding;
int wOriginY = originY - padding;
int wOriginZ = originZ - padding;
int wDirtyMinX = c.dirtyMinX;
int wDirtyMinY = c.dirtyMinY;
int wDirtyMinZ = c.dirtyMinZ;
int wDirtyMaxX = c.dirtyMaxX + padding * 2;
int wDirtyMaxY = c.dirtyMaxY + padding * 2;
int wDirtyMaxZ = c.dirtyMaxZ + padding * 2;
auto b = [](int i) -> std::uint8_t { return (std::uint8_t)1 << i; };
auto to_b = [](bool b, int i) -> std::uint8_t { return (std::uint8_t)b << i; };
for (int z = wDirtyMinZ; z <= wDirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = wDirtyMinY; y <= wDirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = wDirtyMinX; x <= wDirtyMaxX; x++) {
IntVector3 pos{
x + wOriginX,
y + wOriginY,
z + wOriginZ,
if (map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) {
wData[z][y][x][0] = 0.0;
wData[z][y][x][1] = 0.0;
} else {
wData[z][y][x][0] = Evaluate(pos);
wData[z][y][x][1] = 1.0;
// bit 0: solids
// bit 1: contact (by-surface voxel)
wFlags[z][y][x] =
to_b(map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), 0) |
to_b(map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y - 1, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x, pos.y + 1, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y - 1, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y, pos.z + 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z - 1) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z) |
map->IsSolidWrapped(pos.x + 1, pos.y + 1, pos.z + 1),
// The AO terms are sampled 0.5 blocks away from the terrain surface,
// which leads to under-shadowing. Compensate for this effect.
for (int z = wDirtyMinZ; z <= wDirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = wDirtyMinY; y <= wDirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = wDirtyMinX; x <= wDirtyMaxX; x++) {
float &d = wData[z][y][x][0];
d *= d * d + 1.0f - d;
// Blur the result to remove noise
// | this | neighbor |
// | solid | contact | solid | contact | blur
// | 0 0 | 0 x | 1
// | 0 1 | 0 0 | 0 (prevent under-shadowing)
// | 0 1 | 0 1 | 1
// | 0 x | 1 x | 0 (solid voxel's value is zero)
// | 1 x | 0 x | 0 (solid voxel's value must remain zero)
// | 1 x | 1 x | x
// this voxel
// solid
// /-------\ .
// +---+---+---+---+
// | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
// +---+---+---+---+\ .
// | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
// /+---+---+---+---+ | contact neighbor
// | | 0 | 0 | | | |
// solid | +---+---+---+---+/
// | | 0 | 0 | | |
// \+---+---+---+---+
// \-------/
// contact
static const float divider[] = {1.0f, 1.0f / 2.0f, 1.0f / 3.0f};
auto mask = [](bool b, float x) { return b ? x : 0.0f; };
auto shouldBlur = [=](std::uint8_t thisFlags, std::uint8_t neighborFlags) {
return ((neighborFlags & b(0)) | ((~thisFlags | neighborFlags) & b(1))) == 0b10;
for (int blurPass = 0; blurPass < 2; ++blurPass) {
for (int z = wDirtyMinZ; z <= wDirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = wDirtyMinY; y <= wDirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = wDirtyMinX + 1; x < wDirtyMaxX; x++) {
if (wFlags[z][y][x] & b(0)) {
// Do not blur between by-surface voxels and
// in-the-air voxels
bool m1 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z][y][x - 1]);
bool m2 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z][y][x + 1]);
wData[z][y][x][0] =
(wData[z][y][x][0] + mask(m1, wData[z][y][x - 1][0]) +
mask(m2, wData[z][y][x + 1][0])) *
divider[(int)m1 + (int)m2];
for (int z = wDirtyMinZ; z <= wDirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = wDirtyMinY + 1; y < wDirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = wDirtyMinX; x <= wDirtyMaxX; x++) {
if (wFlags[z][y][x] & b(0)) {
bool m1 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z][y - 1][x]);
bool m2 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z][y + 1][x]);
wData[z][y][x][0] =
(wData[z][y][x][0] + mask(m1, wData[z][y - 1][x][0]) +
mask(m2, wData[z][y + 1][x][0])) *
divider[(int)m1 + (int)m2];
for (int z = wDirtyMinZ + 1; z < wDirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = wDirtyMinY; y <= wDirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = wDirtyMinX; x <= wDirtyMaxX; x++) {
if (wFlags[z][y][x] & b(0)) {
bool m1 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z - 1][y][x]);
bool m2 = shouldBlur(wFlags[z][y][x], wFlags[z + 1][y][x]);
wData[z][y][x][0] =
(wData[z][y][x][0] + mask(m1, wData[z - 1][y][x][0]) +
mask(m2, wData[z + 1][y][x][0])) *
divider[(int)m1 + (int)m2];
// Copy the result to ``
for (int z = c.dirtyMinZ; z <= c.dirtyMaxZ; z++)
for (int y = c.dirtyMinY; y <= c.dirtyMaxY; y++)
for (int x = c.dirtyMinX; x <= c.dirtyMaxX; x++) {[z][y][x][0] = wData[z + padding][y + padding][x + padding][0];[z][y][x][1] = wData[z + padding][y + padding][x + padding][1];
c.dirty = false;
c.transferDone = false;
} // namespace draw
} // namespace spades