
200 lines
12 KiB

# MinetestPnR
Simple 2D placer & router for [minetest] developed as part of a [Google CTF] challenge ([video writeup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nI8Q1bqT8QU)).
This also means that the project is mostly aimed towards creating this challenge,
not towards being feature complete and being well engineered, so don't expect
optimal/minimal output.
It currently supports only basic gates (i.e. **no DFF / latches**), so I'm afraid you
can't just place your RISC-V CPU in minetest, feel free to send pull requests though ;).
Supported gates:
- OR
The result will look similar to this (text version):
░──────────────────¬─────────────┐┌───┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─────┐ ┌──┐ ┌─┐
░────────┬─────────¬─────────┐ ││ ^──┘ ^──┘ ^─────»──┘ ^──┘ ^────▓
░────────╂──────┬──¬─────────╂───╂┘┌──┘ ┌───────┘ ┌─────┘ ┌──┘ ┌─┘
░────────╂──────╂┬─¬─────┬───╂───╂─╂──┐ │┌──────┐ │┌────┐ │┌─┐ │
░──────┬─╂──────╂╂─¬─────╂───╂───╂─╂┐ ^──┘│ ^──┘│ v─────¬──┘│ ^──┘
░──────╂─╂─┬────╂╂─»──┐ │ │ │ │├─┘ │┌─────┘ ┌╂────┘ ┌╂─┘
░──────╂─╂─╂┬───╂╂─¬──╂──╂───╂──┐└─╂╂─┐ ┌╂╂─────┐ ││┌───┐ ││
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░──────╂╂──╂╂───╂╂─»──╂──╂───╂──╂──╂╂─┘ │ │┌────┘ │ │┌──┘ ┌──┐ │
░──────╂╂──╂╂──┬╂╂─¬──╂──╂───╂┐┌╂──╂╂─┐ │┌╂╂────┐ │┌╂╂──┐ │ ^──┘
░──────╂╂──╂╂─┐└╂╂─»──╂┐ │ ││││ ││ v──┘│││ v──┘│││ ^──┘┌─┘
░────┬─╂╂──╂╂─╂─╂╂─¬──╂╂─╂───╂╂╂╂┐┌╂╂─┘ │││┌───┘ ┌╂╂╂──┘ │
░────╂─╂╂──╂╂┬╂─╂╂─¬──╂╂┐│ ││││││││ ││││┌──┐ ││││┌─┐ │
░────╂─╂╂┐ ├╂╂╂─╂╂─┐ ││││ ││││││││ │││││ ^──╂╂┘││ ^───┘
░────╂─╂╂╂┐││││ ││ v──╂╂╂╂───╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─»───╂┘│││┌─┘ ││┌╂╂─┘
░────╂┐││├╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─┘ └╂╂╂───╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─┐ ┌╂─╂╂╂╂─┐ │││││
░───┐└╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─»───╂╂╂─┐ ││││││││ v──╂┘ ││││ ^──╂┘│││
░───╂─╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─»───╂╂╂─╂─╂╂┘└╂╂╂╂─┘ │ ┌╂╂╂╂─┘ │ │││
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│└─╂─╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─┐ └╂╂─╂╂─╂──╂─╂╂─┘ │┌╂╂╂╂╂─┐ │ │ │
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└──╂─╂╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─┘ ││ ││ │ │ ││ │││┌╂╂╂─┘ │ │
│ └╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─┐ ││ ││ │ │ ││ │││││││ │ │
│ ││││││ ││ v────╂╂─╂╂─╂──╂─╂╂─»──╂╂╂╂┘││ │ │
└──╂╂╂╂╂╂─╂╂─┘ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││││ ││ │ │
││││││ ├╂─┐ ││ ││ │ │ ││ ││││ ││ │ │
││││││ ││ ^────╂╂─╂╂─╂──╂─╂╂─¬──┘│││ ││ │ │
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││ │││ ││ ^────╂─┐└╂─╂──╂─╂╂─┘ │││ │ │ │
└╂─╂╂╂─╂╂─┘ │ │ │ │ │ └╂─┐ │││ │ │ │
│ ├╂╂─╂╂─┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ v───╂╂╂──┘ │ │
│ │││ ││ ^────╂┐│ │ └──╂──╂─┘ │││ │ │
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││ │ v──┐┌╂╂╂──────╂────┘ │ │ │
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│ ││└───────────┐ │ │
│ ││ v──────────¬────╂─┘
│ │└────────────┘ │
│ └─────────────┐ │
│ ^──────────»────┘
For ingame footage, look at the CTF writeup video mentioned above.
## What does it do?
MinetestPnR takes a synthesized circuit, places the components and routes them (= wires things together).
This means that it'll allow you to write your circuit in a HDL (e.g. `verilog`), synthesize it (e.g. using `yosys`)
and then use it inside your minetest world.
## How can I use it?
Putting your circuit in minetest takes three steps:
- Generate the minetest schematic file
- Place it in minetest
- Fix the mesecon parts. More on this below.
### Generating minetest schematic
- Synthesize your circuit and create a json file containing the basic blocks using [yosys].
Example command: `yosys -p 'synth; abc -g AND,OR,XOR,XNOR,ANDNOT,ORNOT; write_json schematic.json' schematic.v`
- Place & route the resulting `schematic.json` file, creating a MTS(minetest schematic) file using this project:
`cargo run --release -- ./schematic.json --write_mts schematic.mts`
### Placing MTS in minetest using worldedit
- Install [mesecons] + [worldedit]
- Create world in minetest (`type=single node` if you only want to have the circuit in the world)
- Remember to enable both mods
- Create `schems` directory in the world directory (`worlds/${worldname}/schems`)
- Generate MTS file using the project, place it in that folder
- Start minetest + load your map
- Set pos1 (`//1` / `//fixedpos set1 0 1 0`) where the schematic should be placed
- `//mtschemplace <name without mts>` to place the schematic
### Fixing mesecon wires / gates
- Fix mesecon wires + gates - those blocks introduce some internal state that is not created when
placed using worldedit. This can be done by adding a function to the mesecons code that will
set up that internal state. This can be done by adding this function:
local function fix_single_chunk(pos)
local found_nodes = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos, vector.add(pos, { x = 16, y = 16, z = 16 }), {
local cnt = 0
for i=0, #found_nodes do
if (found_nodes[i] ~= nil) then
mesecon.on_placenode(found_nodes[i], minetest.get_node(found_nodes[i]))
cnt = cnt + 1
return cnt
-- Adapted from:
-- https://rubenwardy.com/minetest_modding_book/en/map/environment.html
local function emerge_callback(pos, action,
num_calls_remaining, context)
-- On first call, record number of blocks
if not context.total_blocks then
context.total_blocks = num_calls_remaining + 1
context.loaded_blocks = 0
context.nodes_fixed = 0
context.loaded_blocks = context.loaded_blocks + 1
local perc = 100 * context.loaded_blocks / context.total_blocks
local msg = string.format("Handling block %d/%d (%.2f%%)",
context.loaded_blocks, context.total_blocks, perc)
context.nodes_fixed = context.nodes_fixed + fix_single_chunk(pos)
-- Are we done yet?
if context.total_blocks == context.loaded_blocks then
minetest.chat_send_all("Done, " .. context.nodes_fixed .. " nodes fixed")
minetest.register_chatcommand("fix_gates", {
params = "",
description = "Fix gates by triggering I/O reevaluation",
func = function(name, param)
local context = {}
minetest.emerge_area({x=0, y=2, z=0}, {x=2000, y=2, z=2000}, emerge_callback, context)
return true, "Emerge started"
e.g. at the end of `mesecons_gates/init.lua`.
Then load up the map and send `/fix_gates` in chat.
This sometimes does not seem to work reliably, so you might need to use it multiple
times when standing at different locations to cover different chunks.
**Note that the snippet contains the area where the wires should be fixed** (`minetest.emerge_area({x=0, y=2, z=0}, {x=2000, y=2, z=2000}`)
so you might want to adjust this.
## Caveats
### My circuit is too large!
The application uses a 8k * 8k tiles canvas where the circuit gets placed onto.
The maximum size that the MTS format supports is 64k * 64k, so depending on how
big your circuit is you can place your bigger circuit by changing the canvas
size in `src/canvas.rs`:
const CANVAS_MAX_W: usize = 8 * 1024;
const CANVAS_MAX_H: usize = 8 * 1024;
Why not using 64k * 64k by default? 64k * 64k = 4G - that's a lot of ram ;).
**NOTE**: The minetest source code is not consistent whether the dimensions are
stored as `u16` or `i16`, so the code might need additional patches in
`serialize_to_mts` if your circuit is bigger than 32k * 32k.
## Disclaimer
This is not an officially supported Google product.
[minetest]: http://www.minetest.net/
[worldedit]: https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit
[mesecons]: http://mesecons.net/
[yosys]: http://www.clifford.at/yosys/
[Google CTF]: https://capturetheflag.withgoogle.com