Again more cheats for dragonfireclient #19

Code-Sploit wants to merge 24 commits from master into master
Code-Sploit commented 2020-11-24 23:31:05 -08:00 (Migrated from


  1. EntitESP Highlights entityts
  2. EntityTracers Draw tracers towards all entitys in range
  3. ESP, Tracers, EntityESP and EntityTracers have been made configurable. Well at least the color.
  4. Availible colors: red, lime, purple, pink, green, blue, yellow, white, black, brown and orange
  5. ESP and Tracers now only highlight players
  6. CustomFallDamage Set your fall damage with: .set -n fall_damage . Warning: value has to be a number. And only works when CustomFallDamage is enabled!


  1. OnlyTracePlayers
New: 1) EntitESP _Highlights entityts_ 2) EntityTracers _Draw tracers towards all entitys in range_ 3) ESP, Tracers, EntityESP and EntityTracers have been made configurable. Well at least the color. 4) Availible colors: _red, lime, purple, pink, green, blue, yellow, white, black, brown and orange_ 5) ESP and Tracers now _only highlight players_ 6) CustomFallDamage _Set your fall damage with: .set -n fall_damage <value>. Warning: value has to be a number. And only works when CustomFallDamage is enabled!_ Deprecated: 1) OnlyTracePlayers
Code-Sploit commented 2020-11-25 02:17:59 -08:00 (Migrated from

Fleckenstein: Can you add LessFallDamage please?

Fleckenstein: Can you add LessFallDamage please?

Pull request closed

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